- High angle / Low angle / bulls-eye / birds eye / canted angle
- Tracking / Panning / Craning / Tilting / Hand held / Steadicam
- Establishing Shot / Long Shot / Medium Shot / Close-up / Big Close-Up / Extreme Close Up (students often struggle with the first and the last again issues with SCALE, SIZE & SPACE, so practice is really important)
- Insert Shot
A close-up shot is a type of camera shot size in film and television that adds emotion to a scene. It tightly frames an actor’s face, making their reaction the main focus in the frame. The director of photography films a close-up with a long lens at a close range.
An insert is a shot of part of a scene as filmed from a different angle and/or focal length from the master shot. Inserts cover action already covered in the master shot, but emphasize a different aspect of that action due to the different framing.
Rack focus – Rack focus, also known as pulling focus or racking focus, is a camera-based filmmaking technique in which the focus changes over the course of the shot from one focal plane to another. This effect can be subtle or overt, slow or rapid.