Looking into how films are created, planned and produced. Language of moving image is about space, time and scale, films following a typical production technique that viewers are so used too, they look by it.
The Importance of Focus:
The best tool a producer has is the camera, the camera can control focus which is the most powerful tool in film making. The focusing feature can be used to direct the viewers attention to or away from something, which is when a new hint, moment or object is revealed that the producer brings attention to.
Camera Shots:
- High angle / Low angle / bulls-eye / birds eye / canted angle
- Tracking / Panning / Craning / Tilting / Hand held / Steadicam
- Establishing Shot / Long Shot / Medium Shot / Close-up / Big Close-Up / Extreme Close Up
Application in my own work:
Low angle – to use when focusing on the protagonist running, getting the legs in focus.
Insert shots:
Insert shots are inserted into a sequence that gives the sequence or section meaning or dramatic emphasis. Like quickly snapping on the wine the spy is about to poison or cutting in on the book that gives the character an idea so that the viewers know what happened.