ghost town

cultural resistance

cultural hegemony

subcultural theory

when people protest and laws are put in place to try and resolve the issue, this doesn’t necessarily mean that anything will change and doesn’t mean that peoples opinions on the mater will change. Peoples opinions change through cultural beliefs.

Antonio Gramsci was an Italian philosopher who argued about the theory of Cultural hegemony in the 1930s.

Hegemony is the dominant ruling class who are seen as the legitimate ideas/ ideology.

the idea of the dominant group are expressed and maintained through its economic, political, moral and social institutions. These intuitions socialise people into accepting the norms and the values of the dominant group.

hegemonic: dominant, ruling-class, power-holders

hegemonic culture: the dominant culture

cultural hegemony: power, rule, or domination maintained by ideological and cultural means

ideology: worldview- beliefs, assumptions and values

campaigns: Roc against racism, rock against sexism

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