
Genre: a style or category of art, music, or literature.

Genre is about being predictable yet unpredictable, it will follow general ideas and trends, this being the genre, but needing to be innovative and different as well.

Genre is important for both those who consume it (Audience) and those who make it (Institution).

(Genre creates an expected trend for the consumer which makes it significant for the creation on consumption of it)

The genre may be considered as a practical device for helping any mass medium to produce consistently and efficiently and to relate its production to the expectations of its customers. Since it is also a practical device for enabling individual media users to plan their choices, it can be considered as a mechanism for ordering the relations between the two main parties to mass communication.Dennis McQuail 1987, p. 200

. . . saddled with conventions and stereotypes, formulas and
clichés and all of these limitations were codified in specific genres. This was the very foundation of the studio system and audiences love genre pictures 
. . .Scorsese, A personal Journey through American Cinema (1995)

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