moving image nea

  1. Chronological-the order in which the events occurred, from first to last
  2. Sequential series of scenes that form a distinct narrative unit
  3. Circular structure– story ends the same as how it began
  4. Time based– is to watch it unfold over time according to the temporal logic of the medium as it is played back.
  5. Narrative arc–  the story a film follows along including a dramatic arc somewhere to draw attention from the audience
  6. Freytag’s Pyramid– the structure outlining events in a story
  7. exposition- a comprehensive description of an event, story or idea.
  8. inciting incident,
  9. rising action,
  10. climax-  everything that the plot leads up to
  11. falling action– what happens after the climax and the plot/action calms down
  12. resolution
  13. denouement 
  14. Beginning / middle / end– the idea that every storyline is split into three components
  15. Equilibrium
  16. Disruption
  17. New equilibrium
  18. Peripeteia– change in fortune
  19. Anagnoresis– dramatic revelation
  20. Catharsis–  the idea that we are freed by consuming something
  21. The 3 Unities: Action, Time, Place
  22. flashback / flash forward
  23. Foreshadowing– the idea of hinting towards events further on in the storyline
  24. Ellipsis– a jump/missing out certain events in films.
  25. Pathos
  26. Empathy
  27. diegetic / non-diegetic
  28. slow motion

Physical Internal Structures:

Technical equipment (lighting, sound), actors, set, camera crew, software, writers, props, special effects, director, editors and costume designers

Theoretical Internal Structures:

Storyline, performance, generating emotions, events, characters, themes, genre, antagonist/ protagonist, linear/circular, start middle and end, time based, chronological, sequential and freytag pyramid.

Synopsis– A girl goes missing on a night out, her family and friends are all worried about her and file a missing police report. We are shown the trauma they go through. 2 years later her dead body is found, her ‘ghost’ haunts her family and friends. They then discover the body was not her. A group of her friends form together to be detectives and figure out that the ‘ghost’ was actually her asking them for help. They go on a quest to find her and end up finding her however she is very mentally damaged.

Todorov– presents a three part structure (beginning,middle,end)



New equilibrium

  • the stage of equilibrium
  • the conflict that disrupts this initial equilibrium
  • the way / ways in which the disruption looks to find new equilibrium
  • the denouement and/or resolution that brings about a new equilibrium

Blinded by the lights notes

  • Made by Levantine FilmsIngeniousBend It Films; Cornerstone Films
  • low budgeted (15mil).
  • grossed $18.1 million
  • songs by American pop star Bruce Springsteen
  • use of traditional marketing and distribution techniques to advertise such as trailers, posters, film festivals, etc
  • distributed by entertainment one
  • David Hesmondhalgh says; “All business is risky, but the cultural industries constitute a particularly risky business” 
  • based on the ‘true story’ of a Pakistani boy growing up in the UK in the 1980s
  • ‘Bend It Films’ is a UK-based, indie production company owned by major US conglomerate ‘Warner Brothers’. Bend It Films developed the film with support from Levantine Films and Ingenious Media linking to the fact that major companies need new ideas and concepts, provided by the independent companies they own whilst independent companies need major companies to fuel distribution and exhibition because these major companies have the right to use streaming platforms to display their productions.
  • By using Bruce Springsteen’s music they are attracting a whole demographic of older people who enjoy his music
  • Social media was used a lot to advertise the film which has a massive amount of users and is also free.
  • The film is regulated by BBFC
parters of bend it films

moving image nea

  1. Linear- where events are largely portrayed in a chronological order
  2. Chronological- the order in which the events occurred, from first to last
  3. Sequential- a series of scenes that form a distinct narrative unit
  4. Circular structure- the story ends where it began
  5. Time based-  is to watch it unfold over time according to the temporal logic of the medium as it is played back.
  6. Narrative arc-
  7. Freytag’s Pyramid
  8. exposition,
  9. inciting incident,
  10. rising action,
  11. climax,
  12. falling action,
  13. resolution,
  14. denouement 
  15. Beginning / middle / end
  16. Equilibrium
  17. Disruption
  18. New equilibrium
  19. Peripeteia
  20. Anagnoresis
  21. Catharsis
  22. The 3 Unities: Action, Time, Place
  23. flashback / flash forward
  24. Foreshadowing
  25. Ellipsis
  26. Pathos
  27. Empathy
  28. diegetic / non-diegetic
  29. slow motion

Peripeteia– change in fortune

when javids dad ripped up his concert tickets

Anagnoresis– dramatic revelation

listening to bruce springstein for the first time

Catharsis– an emotional release

when he went to America


There will be adventure to save the world and to save the world we must find the magic stone (stone of medeis) which is hidden in the forest. Ursuline took the stone for her own power but it must be restored by violet but obstacles lead her off track. The dark forest keeps a witch as its protector (Sabrina) and will manipulate violet into going to the dark side but violet must resist.

Todorov and Freytag

Todorov was appointed to his post as a director of research at the French Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique in 1968.

 Freytag’s Pyramid exposition, inciting incident, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution, and denouement as illustrated below.

  • the stage of equilibrium
  • the conflict that disrupts this initial equilibrium
  • the way / ways in which the disruption looks to find new equilibrium
  • the denouement and/or resolution that brings about a new equilibrium
  • Equilibrium
  • Disruption
  • New equilibrium

flexi narratives- long format television products deploy multiple three act structures in a similar pattern to be used as a master plot.

plot and sublots- media constructed by an overarching master plot accompanied by a series of subplots.

anachronic devices- subvert traditional linear storytelling techniques through time bending.

Vladimir propp:

  1. Hero
  2. Helper
  3. Princess
  4. Villain
  5. Victim
  6. Dispatcher
  7. Father
  8. False Hero

Propp suggests that stories use STOCK CHARACTERS to structure stories. 

-narrative functions-


Things you need to create a film:

  • Camera
  • Microphone
  • Actors
  • Directors
  • Film set
  • Crew
  • Story
  • SFX
  • Money
  • Producer
  • Camera men
  • Script
  • Props


  • Generally films are a straight line because they are chronological
  • Most moving image products are linear
  • Most films are sequential
  • Flashbacks/flashforwards can occur during films
  • Peripeteia – change in fortune
  • Anagnorisis – a dramatic revelation
  • Catharsis – idea that we ae freed by consuming something


  • Tzvetan Todorov was a Bulgarian-French historian, philosopher, structuralist literary critic, sociologist and essayist. He was the author of many books and essays, which have had a significant influence in anthropology, sociology, semiotics, literary theory, intellectual history and culture theory.
  • Todorov’s theory: there are 5 stages that a character will go through; those are Equilibrium, Disruption, Recognition Repair the Damage and Equilibrium Again
  • Todorov studied classic fairy tales and stories. He discovered that narratives moved forward in a chronological order with one action following after another. In other words, they have a clear beginning, middle and end.
  • Born: March 1, 1939
  • Died: February 7, 2017
  • Equilibrium: the story constructs a stable world at the outset of the narrative. Key characters are presented as part of that stability
  • Disruption: Oppositional forces – the actions of a villain, perhaps, or some kind of calamity – destabilise the story’s equilibrium. Lead protagonists attempt to repair the disruption caused.
  • Frame stories: stories told inside of stories, testing Todorov’s ideal narrative structure through the presentation of nested moments of equilibrium and disequilibrium.

Vladimir Propp:

  • Vladimir Propp was a Soviet folklorist and scholar who analysed the basic structural elements of Russian folk tales to identify their simplest irreducible structural units.
  • Vladimir Propp suggests that stories use stock characters to structure stories.
  • Propp argued that stories are character driven and that plots develop from the decisions and actions of characters and how they function in a story.
  • These are Propp’s 8 character types:
    • Hero
    • Villian
    • Victim
    • Helper
    • Princess
    • Dispatcher
    • Father
    • False hero


  1. Linear – progressing from one stage to another, one after the other, sequentially
  2. Chronological – Events following the true order in which they happened
  3. Sequential – One after the other
  4. Circular structure – The story ends where the film begins.
  5. Time based –
  6. Narrative arc – the story a film follows along with a dramatic arc within it somewhere to keep viewers attention.
  7. Freytag’s Pyramid
  8. exposition – a comprehensive description of an event, story or idea.
  9. inciting incident – the event that sends the main character/characters on the mission/adventure.
  10. rising action – the bulk of the plot that ends at the end of the story/film.
  11. climax – everything that the plot leads up to.
  12. falling action – what happens after the climax and the plot/action calms down.
  13. resolution – a firm decision to do or not to do something.
  14. denouement – context and resolution to a major theme, relationship or event in a story.
  15. Beginning / middle / end – Different stages of a story.
  16. Equilibrium – One of the stages in the story where it is explained about the condition that happens with a character.
  17. Disruption –
  18. New equilibrium – The beginning of the film where the characters life is normal.
  19. Peripeteia – A shift of good to bad in a characters life.
  20. Anagnorisis –  A moment of recognition or revelation in a story.
  21. Catharsis – Releasing strong emotions which leads to a realisation.
  22. The 3 Unities: Action, Time, Place
  23. flashback / flash forward
  24. Foreshadowing – hinting towards a future event within the film
  25. Ellipsis – a jump/missing out certain events in films.
  26. Pathos – Getting the audience emotional due to something happening within the film or show, main emotions being pity and sadness.
  27. Empathy –  The ability to sense other people’s emotions and to imagine what someone else might be thinking or feeling.
  28. diegetic / non-diegetic – Things that emanates from the story world of the film, non-diegetic being things occur outside of the story line.
  29. slow motion – Slowing down the video playing so that the watcher can take in certain info or focus on certain aspects of the film.

Synopsis and statement of intent:

A British agent who thinks his father was lost at war investigates his fathers files and he never finds ever solid evidence, at long last he finds the last mission his father went on, “investigating and going undercover within a Nazi agency”, his son decides to go to the Nazi agency and try figure more about his father before his death. However when he’s in the agency people catch on that he seems to have incorrect German and is sneaking away without reason. But at very last, he finds out that his father…

Within my film I’m going to have a hero (being the main character who is looking for his father), a villain (being a Nazi operator catching onto the hero’s lies) and a victim, being a love interest of the main character being hurt by the villain. With the major plot discovery being a heartbreak for the hero I want the audience to feel attached and emotional for the main character, otherwise known as pathos. I intend the film to be for ages 15 and upwards due to the emotional and violent film, it would be a major film developed on a large budget by Warner Brothers and the poster would be a half and half, blue light vs red light (good vs evil) back to back displaying multiple characters along with a large title of the film, this way the viewers are intrigued to find out who the characters in the poster are. I will be taking photographs of myself with an army based uniform on, a pretend gun and standing tall to show the main character to be bold and brave, whereas the villain will be arms crossed and an angry friend.

My film is similar to the James Bond 007 films, marvels captain America and red notice. However the film takes place within WW2 which is like Captain America but it focuses on a real life undercover not a fictional sub-division working on technology that uses a all powerful stone. Its like 007 but the star isn’t a standalone character going after a baddy because its his job and picks up woman along the way, its a young soldier looking for his family by fighting the war.


  • Equilibrium – meaning normality and peace. (The beginning)
  • Disruption – The climax of the story causing normality to fade and a problem arising, within this section of the film the problem is solved by the main characters. (The middle)
  • New equilibrium – after the Disruption has been dealt with, everything is back normality and peace. (The End)
  • Todorov believes stories are always linear, following his idea of equilibrium, disruption and new equilibrium.
  • It is normal for media companies to have multiple equilibriums and disruptions.
  • Media companies tend to understand that viewers might have a low attention rate/boredom threshold so they propel immediate disruption to hook the viewers attention.
  • Devices like anachronic devices are like flash backs or peaks into the future so the viewer has context.
  • In TV shows and shows in general, the idea of Todorovs acts are either played out across one episode, a couple episodes or the whole season.

Vladamir Propp

  • Vladimir Propp believed in the idea that there is 8 different types of character, these 8 characters are,
  1. Hero
  2. Helper
  3. Princess
  4. Villain
  5. Victim
  6. Dispatcher
  7. Father
  8. False Hero
  • Most of the time these characters co-inside, with the Villain doing something to the victim and the hero having to fix it or make it correct.
  • However the characters don’t have to stick to their role and a role can be multiple characters, this is called a sphere of action. The different spheres of action can be divided into 6 sections, these sections being,

Internal structure analysis


  1. Linear– progressing from one stage to another in a single series of steps
  2. Chronological– Following something in the order it happened in
  3. Sequential- Logical order or sequence
  4. Circular structure– A narrative where the start of the story is the end of the story
  5. Time based– Duration as a dimension revealed to the viewer overtime
  6. Narrative arc– The path a story follows
  7. Freytag’s Pyramid– Structure outlining events in a story
  8. Exposition– Background information within a story line
  9. Inciting incident-
  10. Rising action
  11. Climax
  12. Falling action
  13. Resolution
  14. Denouement
  15. Beginning / middle / end
  16. Equilibrium
  17. Disruption
  18. New equilibrium
  19. Peripeteia
  20. Anagnorisis
  21. Catharsis
  22. The 3 Unities: Action, Time, Place
  23. Flashback / flash forward
  24. Foreshadowing
  25. Ellipsis
  26. Pathos
  27. Empathy
  28. Diegetic / non-diegetic
  29. Slow motion


What is needed to make a film?

  • Actors
  • Camera
  • Microphone
  • Costumes
  • Director
  • Sound/Music
  • Money
  • Editing Software
  • Editor
  • Props
  • Screenwriter
  • Camera Man
  • Script/Story
  • Lighting


Narrative Structures

  • Straight line- Chronological (In order of time)
  • Linear
  • Sequential
  • Flashbacks/flashforwards
  • Ellipsis- Skip parts of time
  • Parallel

Gustaf Freytag’s Pyramid

150 years ago came up with a pyramid

  • The start- Exposition
  • The middle- Climax
  • The end- Denouement


Says that a moving image has 3 parts to its structure (Beginning/Middle/End)-

  • Equilibrium: Everything is normal at the start
  • Disruption: Something happens that changes this and is usually the main part of the story
  • New equilibrium: The disruption is resolved and everything goes back to a new normal
  • Flexi-Narrative: Long form tv products deploy multiple 3 act structures in a similar pattern
  • Multiple equilibrium sequences: Rollercoaster effects for audiences by deploying multiple disruption sequences

Vladimir Propp:

Suggests that stories use Stock Characters to structure stories: which are-

  1. Hero
  2. Helper
  3. Princess
  4. Villain
  5. Victim
  6. Dispatcher
  7. Father
  8. False Hero

Spheres of Action:

One character can occupy a number of roles/’Spheres of action’ and one role may be played by a number of different characters. Propp says that there are 31 different functions that play an important role in organising plots.

These can be divided into these sections (Narratemes- Starting points of most stories):


Propp suggested that stories don’t have to use all the characters listed, though most are organised around the interplay of the hero, villain and princess archetypes.

Claude Levi Strauss- Binary Oppositions

Suggests that narratives are structured around binary oppositions which helps people understand key themes that underline important messages. For example, Male/Female, Good/Bad, Poor/Rich etc. This allows people to make judgements on characters, settings, history, society etc.

Semantic Differential


Seymour Chatman

  • Kernels- key moments in the plot/narrative structure: essential to the plot, movie wouldn’t work without it
  • Satellites- Embellishments, developments, aesthetics: plot wouldn’t change if this was different. Aesthetic would change slightly but not by much.

Roland Barthes

  • Proairetic codes- action, movement, doing things
  • Hermeneutic codes- Reflection, dialogue, character development
  • Enigmas- not telling the audience everything in the movie, intrigues people, ideas are raised


LinearThe events of the plot unfold in the order in which they have occured.
ChronologicalEvents are sequenced in order of time.
Sequential Events which are arranged one after the other in a sequence within in a narrative.
Circular structureWhen a plot begins in the same place or way that it ends. The characters undergo a transformation and a normal plot occurs in between.
Time basedA continuous moving image which displays a change in time.
Narrative arcThe path a story follows. Often a narrative will include ups and downs, moments of climax and resolution which is reflected in an arc shape.
Freytag’s Pyramid19th century German playwright ‘Freytag’s’ diagram of dramatic structure.
ExpositionThe background information on the characters and setting explained at the beginning of the story. Earlier events are alluded to.
Inciting incidentThe hook, the event that sets the main character or characters on the journey that will occupy the narrative.
Rising actionThe incline of a narrative arc. Often, the events that lead up to the climax.
ClimaxThe point of highest intensity or major conflict within in a narrative. The steepest point of a narrative arc.
Falling action The declining part of a narrative arc. Often, what happens after the climax and resolution of the major conflict.
ResolutionWhen an element of the plot is solved. And the exposition of the plot is revisited
DenouementThe final part of the narrative in which the strands of the plot are drawn together and matters are explained or resolved.
Beginning/ Middle/ EndHow linear narratives are sequenced
EquilibriumFirst stage of Todorov’s theory. The situation and characters are introduced in a normal circumstance.
DisruptionSecond stage of Todorov’s theory. A change takes place causing an alter in the norm.
TransgressionDisequilibrium is often caused by societal / moral / ethical transgression.
New equilibriumThird stage of Todorov’s theory. The change in circumstance is overcome and the situation reaches a new normal.
PeripeteiaA sudden reversal of fortune or change in circumstances.
AnagnorisisA character discovers their own, or another character’s true identity.
CatharsisThe process of releasing and providing relief from repressed emotions. The purging of strong emotion.
The 3 Unities: Time, Place, ActionThe 3 traditional unities of drama. The Aristotelian idea that a narrative should be set in once place, in one time frame, focused on one action.
FlashbackWhen the current narrative is interrupted by a previous event which could provide key information about a character etc.
FlashforwardWhen the current narrative is interrupted by an event that is yet to take place.
EllipsisThe exclusion of action from a narrative because it can be inferred from dialogue and other action.
PathosA quality that evokes feelings of pity and sadness.
EmpathyThe ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
Diegtic soundSound that occurs within the context of the story and able to be heard by the characters.
Non-diegetic sound Sound that occurs externally to the narrative, it is not heard by the characters.
Slow motionVisual effect created either by the actors or as a special effect in the edit. Time is slowed down.
ForeshadowingWhen events that take place later on in the narrative are alluded to or hinted towards.
In Media-resThe practice of beginning a narrative by plunging into a crucial situation that is part of a related chain of events. ‘In the middle of things’.
Metanarratives  Drawing attention to the process of storytelling.

Blinded by the light

  • Blinded by the Light is an example of low-medium budget film making.
  • New Line Cinema is an American film production studio which was founded in 1967 as well as being the distributor of Blinded By The Light film. New Line Cinema is associated with ‘indie’ films and is a division of Warner Bros. Entertainment. This altogether being part of the global conglomerate of WarnerMedia.
  • This low budget production cost around $15 million and was co-funded by New Line Cinema, as well as other production companies such as Levantine Films, Bend it Films and Ingenious Media.
  • Directed by same person who made Bend it like Beckham: Gurinder Ghadha, WHY HAS SHE REPEATED THE SAME STORY AS HER PREVIOUS MOVIE? – “Media is a risky business” so the use of the repetitive strategies in the culture industries is appropriate. Bend it like Beckham was made on April 11th 2002, so she had waited till January the 27th of 2019, 17 years later to make another movie with the same premise and base story line as each other and says it’s “what she knows”, so the use of this repetitive strategy and using the same story from her previous movie which was very successful was used to minimise risk, appeal to nostalgia and generate the most profit.
  •  Its distributor New Line Cinema is associated with ‘indie’ films although it is a subsidiary of Warner Brothers Pictures, part of the global conglomerate, WarnerMedia.
  • Bruce Springsteen’s music is featured in getting the film financed and in the marketing of the film. The use of this artist is to appeal to nostalgic elements in a manipulative manner in media to get more people interested in the movie.
  • Diversity and innovation is needed for bigger companies such as Warner Bros, so they use smaller company for new ideas to then, in this case, be co-funded by New Line Cinema which is an American production studio owned by Warner Brothers Pictures Group. So, although the movie is produced by companies including Levantine Films, Bend it Films and Ingenious Media, Warner Bros still helped fund it in order to own the film.
  • So then this independent movie to then be put onto exhibitors such as Netflix, Apple TV or Amazon Prime which is in contact and in business with Warner Bros, who are one of the main conglomerates and part of the big main parent companies, a company that was the first to be in film and founded 99 years ago.
  • In the distribution, exhibition or consumer stage, this movie like many others used popular social medias: Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, all owned by another conglomerate, Meta, owned by Mark Zuckerberg. ^^ How many followers does their accounts have??

The Importance of Film Festivals

The following link discusses the use of a film festival to secure a distribution deal.

The Importance of recognisable Generic Conventions (and the use of familiar music)

Blinded by the Light has been described as a feelgood jukebox musical film using the music of Bruce Springsteen.
This link offers ideas about the importance of genre and this link about the use of recognisable music in the marketing of the film,
It was directed by Gurinder Chada, a British director known for Bend it Like Beckham