moving image nea

  1. Chronological-the order in which the events occurred, from first to last
  2. Sequential series of scenes that form a distinct narrative unit
  3. Circular structure– story ends the same as how it began
  4. Time based– is to watch it unfold over time according to the temporal logic of the medium as it is played back.
  5. Narrative arc–  the story a film follows along including a dramatic arc somewhere to draw attention from the audience
  6. Freytag’s Pyramid– the structure outlining events in a story
  7. exposition- a comprehensive description of an event, story or idea.
  8. inciting incident,
  9. rising action,
  10. climax-  everything that the plot leads up to
  11. falling action– what happens after the climax and the plot/action calms down
  12. resolution
  13. denouement 
  14. Beginning / middle / end– the idea that every storyline is split into three components
  15. Equilibrium
  16. Disruption
  17. New equilibrium
  18. Peripeteia– change in fortune
  19. Anagnoresis– dramatic revelation
  20. Catharsis–  the idea that we are freed by consuming something
  21. The 3 Unities: Action, Time, Place
  22. flashback / flash forward
  23. Foreshadowing– the idea of hinting towards events further on in the storyline
  24. Ellipsis– a jump/missing out certain events in films.
  25. Pathos
  26. Empathy
  27. diegetic / non-diegetic
  28. slow motion

Physical Internal Structures:

Technical equipment (lighting, sound), actors, set, camera crew, software, writers, props, special effects, director, editors and costume designers

Theoretical Internal Structures:

Storyline, performance, generating emotions, events, characters, themes, genre, antagonist/ protagonist, linear/circular, start middle and end, time based, chronological, sequential and freytag pyramid.

Synopsis– A girl goes missing on a night out, her family and friends are all worried about her and file a missing police report. We are shown the trauma they go through. 2 years later her dead body is found, her ‘ghost’ haunts her family and friends. They then discover the body was not her. A group of her friends form together to be detectives and figure out that the ‘ghost’ was actually her asking them for help. They go on a quest to find her and end up finding her however she is very mentally damaged.

Todorov– presents a three part structure (beginning,middle,end)



New equilibrium

  • the stage of equilibrium
  • the conflict that disrupts this initial equilibrium
  • the way / ways in which the disruption looks to find new equilibrium
  • the denouement and/or resolution that brings about a new equilibrium

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