moving image nea

  1. Linear- where events are largely portrayed in a chronological order
  2. Chronological- the order in which the events occurred, from first to last
  3. Sequential- a series of scenes that form a distinct narrative unit
  4. Circular structure- the story ends where it began
  5. Time based-  is to watch it unfold over time according to the temporal logic of the medium as it is played back.
  6. Narrative arc-
  7. Freytag’s Pyramid
  8. exposition,
  9. inciting incident,
  10. rising action,
  11. climax,
  12. falling action,
  13. resolution,
  14. denouement 
  15. Beginning / middle / end
  16. Equilibrium
  17. Disruption
  18. New equilibrium
  19. Peripeteia
  20. Anagnoresis
  21. Catharsis
  22. The 3 Unities: Action, Time, Place
  23. flashback / flash forward
  24. Foreshadowing
  25. Ellipsis
  26. Pathos
  27. Empathy
  28. diegetic / non-diegetic
  29. slow motion

Peripeteia– change in fortune

when javids dad ripped up his concert tickets

Anagnoresis– dramatic revelation

listening to bruce springstein for the first time

Catharsis– an emotional release

when he went to America


There will be adventure to save the world and to save the world we must find the magic stone (stone of medeis) which is hidden in the forest. Ursuline took the stone for her own power but it must be restored by violet but obstacles lead her off track. The dark forest keeps a witch as its protector (Sabrina) and will manipulate violet into going to the dark side but violet must resist.

Todorov and Freytag

Todorov was appointed to his post as a director of research at the French Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique in 1968.

 Freytag’s Pyramid exposition, inciting incident, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution, and denouement as illustrated below.

  • the stage of equilibrium
  • the conflict that disrupts this initial equilibrium
  • the way / ways in which the disruption looks to find new equilibrium
  • the denouement and/or resolution that brings about a new equilibrium
  • Equilibrium
  • Disruption
  • New equilibrium

flexi narratives- long format television products deploy multiple three act structures in a similar pattern to be used as a master plot.

plot and sublots- media constructed by an overarching master plot accompanied by a series of subplots.

anachronic devices- subvert traditional linear storytelling techniques through time bending.

Vladimir propp:

  1. Hero
  2. Helper
  3. Princess
  4. Villain
  5. Victim
  6. Dispatcher
  7. Father
  8. False Hero

Propp suggests that stories use STOCK CHARACTERS to structure stories. 

-narrative functions-

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