moving image nea

Practical Elements of producing a media product include:

  • Actors
  • Set
  • Props
  • Technicians
  • Post Production Teams
  • Equipment
  • Scriptwriters
  • Producers
  • Musicians

Conceptual Elements of producing a media product include:

  • Storyline
  • Performance
  • Emotions
  • Events
  • Characters
  • Themes
  • Protagonists/Antagonists
  • Linear/Cyclical Structure

Key Terminology

  1. Linear – A straightforward structure with a very smooth progression and a definitive beginning/middle/end.
  2. Chronological – An order where events pass in an order of time.
  3. Sequential – When a media product is following a logical order or sequence.
  4. Circular structure
  5. Time based
  6. Narrative arc
  7. Freytag’s Pyramid
  8. exposition,
  9. inciting incident,
  10. rising action,
  11. climax,
  12. falling action,
  13. resolution,
  14. denouement 
  15. Beginning / middle / end
  16. Equilibrium
  17. Disruption
  18. New Equilibrium
  19. Peripeteia – A drastic and sudden change in fortune.
  20. Anagnoresis – A sudden dramatic revelation, usually occurs within the protagonist.
  21. Catharsis – The idea that we as humans can feel and absorb emotions from consuming a piece of media. 
  22. The 3 Unities: Action, Time, Place
  23. flashback / flash forward
  24. Foreshadowing
  25. Ellipsis
  26. Pathos
  27. Empathy
  28. diegetic / non-diegetic
  29. slow motion

Peripeteia in Blinded by the Light – When the tickets are ripped up.

Anagnoresis in Blinded by the Light – When his father is badly hurt.

Catharsis in Blinded by the Light – At the end when Springsteen’s music is played by his father in the car.

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