Moving image NEA

Things needed to create a film:

  • Camera
  • Microphone
  • Actors
  • Set
  • Story
  • Script
  • Props
  • Sound
  • Lighting
  • Money
  • Directors
  • Producers
  • Post-production team
  • Camera operators


  • Catharsis = Idea that we are freed by consuming something.
  • Peripeteia = A change in fortune
  • Anagnorisis = A moment of dramatic revelation

Narrative structures and internal elements :

  • Chronological – Generally, films are structured in a straight line, linear narrative in which the events are sequenced in order of time.
  • Flashbacks/ Foreshadowing
  • Ellipsis
  • Parallel Narrative
  • Protagonist and Antagonist


  • the stage of equilibrium
  • the conflict that disrupts this initial equilibrium
  • the way / ways in which the disruption looks to find new equilibrium
  • the denouement and/or resolution that brings about a new equilibrium
  • condensed equilibrium has a much lower boredom threshold so action is expected to be delivered quickly
  • anachronic devices are flashes forwards or backwards in time to help develop the story
  • multiperspective narratives show numerous character’s viewpoints during a time of disequilibrium
  • unreliable narration where the audience is deceived deliberately

Some Definitions:

Construction of reality: The way we present ourselves to other people is shaped partly by our interactions with others, as well as by our life experiences.

Repertoire of elements: When an audience consume a media text defined by a generic label they have certain expectations of the text.

Reinforced: Strengthened (existing feeling, idea or habit)

Historically specific: Historical people, situations, or things existed in the past and are considered to be a part of history.

Verisimilitude: The appearance of being true or real.

 Realism: The quality or fact of representing a person or thing in a way that is accurate and true to life.

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