Cultural industriesBusinesses included in creating, distributing and exhibiting creative productions.
ProductionThe making of a product (eg. the people involved in creating a film).
DistributionThe marketing/ advertisement of a product (eg. how a film is made public).
Exhibition or ConsumptionThe ‘showing’ of a product and the effect it has on the consumer (eg. a cinema, its workers and an audience).
Media concentrationThe ownership of many creative organisations is limited to very few people and parent companies.
ConglomeratesA company owns numerous sub-companies involved in mass media enterprises.
Globalisation (in terms of media ownership)A company operates globally, across continents.
Cultural imperialismThe idea that certain cultures dominate worldwide media productions, therefore, these cultural views begin to dominate.
Vertical IntegrationA company owns different businesses in the same chain of production and distribution.
Horizontal IntegrationWhen a company has many branches including other companies even though they are owned and controlled by one.
MergersThe joining together of creative companies.
MonopoliesLarge organisations who take ownership of all stages of production. They have control over production, distribution and consumption (or exhibition) rather than dividing out to other companies.
GatekeepersLarge companies control our consumption and guide us towards their recommendations so that they can make profit.
RegulationCompanies are monitored by the governments restrictions.
DeregulationWhen government laws become less strict.
Free marketThe price for services or products is regulated internally, by the company, not the government.
Commodification Process by which things, services, ideas, and people relations are transformed into objects for sale.  
ConvergenceThe joining together of distinct media types to create new media forms.
DiversificationA corporate strategy to enter into a new market or industry in which the business doesn’t currently operate.    
InnovationDevelopment within cultural industries.

Answers: A = 1, B= 3, C= 5

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