Bombshell: media institutions A CASE STUDY

Chomsky: Manufacturing Consent

A key theoretical approach can be found in Noam Chomsky work based around proposition that the Media ‘Manufacture Consent‘ for the state.

Noam Chomsky takes a left wing perspective that looks to challenge the ideas of Western Capitalism. For instance, making a direct connection between the ideas of ruling class as the ruling ideas. I have mentioned this before when looking at the ideas of Roland Barthes (follow this link), but provide the link to Karl Marx again here:

5 Filters that help to Manufacture Consent

  1. Structures of ownership
  2. The role of advertising
  3. Links with ‘The Establishment’
  4. Diversionary tactics – ‘flack’
  5. Uniting against a ‘common enemy’

Key ideas

  1. Gate Keeping
  2. Agenda Setting
  3. Selecting, Shaping, Emphasising
  4. Social, Political and Economic Bias
  5. Lack of independence, impartiality, diversity

Task 5: Define the 5 Filters and the 5 key ideas above.

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