Judith Butler quotes:
“Biological anatomies do not determine our gender” – This is a basic idea that although someone can be born with male or female anatomy, it doesn’t determine what gender that person feels like, a mental thing.
“Male and female identities are not naturally configured” – It does not matter in which way you act, your identity is not pre-determined.
“Gender is not solely determined by primary experiences during childhood” – Just because you acted a certain way during childhood, as you mature your identity can change, you sexual orientation can change.
“Micro performances that continuously signal our identity to ourselves and to others” – The way we act, whatever choice we make or the way we decide to portray ourselves, in small ways, is a form of out identity being shown.
“Myths reinforce male power as the norm because males are the more naturally dominant gender” – Shows that a male dominant society is factual and proven.
David Gauntlet quotes:
“Tradition dominates the notion of who we are and is heavily determined by long standing social forces” – Commonplace traditions and ideas that are instilled in out cultures heavily determines who we are when we grow up, including out gender identity.
“We are transitioning from a society in which our identities were constructed via rigid traditions to a distinctly different phase that he calls ‘late modernity” – Our ideologies based from our cultures and traditions are slowly becoming less important and less involved with who we are in modern times.
“Marketing and advertising agencies construct multiple possibilities of who we might be through products branding” – Modern and post advertising manipulate and change how we view the world and certain topics and creates possibilities of who we might become when we mature.
“Social roles of gender in a traditionally ordered society” – Society orders and puts either gender in certain gender roles.
“Transformations offered suggest that our identities are not fixed” – In games, you begin as the weakest version of themselves and as you progress you gain happiness, this gives motivation to find and change who we are