Judith Butler ‘gender as performance’ Notes

  • Judith Butler counterpoints earlier ideas of gender representation, such as Laura Mulvey’s idea that “gender is fixed – male/female” and how “it is structured by institutions and those powerful individuals who are able to exert power and control”
  • While Butler does recognize other theories such as Laura Mulvey’s, she theorizes that “gender is fluid, changeable, plural a set of categories to be played out and performed by individual subjects in individual moments in time and space.”
  • This suggests that people have different “identities” which adhere to the different social settings/conditions that we put ourselves in.
  • There are a few categories of “personalities” such as lipstick lesbian (a lesbian who exhibits greater amounts of feminine attributes), butch and femme ( a lesbian who displays more masculine behaviors and styles) and girly girls (a female who chooses to display themselves in a more traditionally feminine way i.e pink clothes, makeup, dresses gossiping, etc)
  • Over time gender has evolved to be more diverse, and less defined by a set of behaviours associated with either male or female. Now gender can be anything- but is still heavily influenced but traditional beliefs.

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