Exam prep notes

Fluidity of Identity – To create identity of society and create specific ideas, where you can change the perspective of how you see the world .

Constructed Identity – Having the ability to change how you see yourself or the world.

Negotiated Identity – Negotiated Identity suggests that we contain a balance of our desires and meeting the expectations of others.

Collective Identity – Gives the impression that everyone belongs somewhere whether its in its own cultural or group.

“the boyband star turned cultural and style juggernaut announced the launch of Pleasing.” – negotiated identity where he is trying to portray the desires of others.

“However, he is adamant that his venture is more than a celebrity endorsement.”

“Pleasing is at odds with outmoded beauty industry ideas about masking and concealment.”

stylized repetition of acts – in other words non verbal communication

repeated performance – butler suggests that gender is forced behaviour or performance for example in my product I got Molly to hold up her hair to make her look like a female.

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