david Gauntlett

Fluidity of identity: This is the idea that someone’s identity is changeable to what they want it to be. There’s no fixed expectation for anyone’s identity. For example using male and female, they will not stick to the black and white idea of girl and boy. It’s more for a spectrum that they can go along. Their identity doesn’t necessarily have to match their biology. These are two separate things.

Constructed identity: The idea that we have these ideas of identity presented to us. That they are these fixed ideas that we take on and learn from.

Negotiated identity: There is some tension between this construct of identity in the media and how we present ourselves to the world. So due to this, there are always discussions on

Collective identity: Collective identity is associating with a group or a group associating as something. An example of this is belonging to a certain school a religion. You then get this expected identity associated with those groups that might not even match your personal identity.

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