David gauntlett

Constructed identity– There are many things we as people may use to construct our own identities. Movies, tv shows and opinion leaders such as celebrities with a big follow count can all help us to “construct” this identity for ourselves suggesting ways of living by acting on their advice or recognising ourselves in a character of a film.

Fluidity of identity– A persons’ identity can change because of how gender roles (male and females) are being represented in the media. Fluidity of identity is the idea that identity is not always fixed because we are constantly adapting to new cultural norms. He states that we have a “greater diversity of identities”.

Collective identity– Refers to our sense of belonging to a group. Our likeliness to try to ‘fit in’ with others and engage.

Negotiated identity– A balance between meeting the expectations of others and our own personal wants. Showing how we want a balance of being with others and retaining our own strong identity. 

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