Fluidity of identity– Gauntlet comments on how someone’s identity can change because of how men and woman are being represented in the media. Identity is always changing and people are adapting to new cultural normality’s. Gautlett states we have a “greater diversity of identities”. Fluidity of identity means that a persons identity is always changing, and they don’t have to specifically stick to one personality trait and that to wholy represent you as a person.

Constructed identity– This is when a person builds up their identity and it slightly changes, depending on their peers/audiences. Men and women are becoming more equal and there is also no longer a specific gender to belong too, people classify themselves as ‘they’ or ‘them’ and that is the identity our generation has allowed people to do (more or less) . Magazines, Movies or the opinion leaders who dominate our society (influencers, celebs) all help us to “construct” this identity for ourselves suggesting ways of living in todays society.

Negotiated identity– A negotiated identity is a direct balance between our own desires and wants and meeting the expectations of others and what they desire.

Collective identity– Means that we refer to our sense of belonging to group, This could be out of a shared interest/experience or even something in common. Our desire to be with others and “fit in”. These groups could be social, religious, occupational or gendered.

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