Fluidity of identity – The definition behind fluidity of identity is to create identity of society and create specific ideas. Examples shown of fluidity of identity by David Gauntlet is “the narrative begins with the boy meets girl trope but ends with the girl taking control of the relationship”, suggesting a shift in the balance of power. Fluidity of identity also refers to how we don’t always refer to one identity and are always willing to discover other new cultures of identity.
Constructed Identity – The meaning behind constructed identity is having the ability to change how you see yourself or the world. Examples shown by David Gauntlet are “might select which details to reveal so we can manage how we are viewed by other people”. Constructed Identity could also suggest that the representation of a movie could possibly help discover our own identity.
Negotiated Identity – Negotiated Identity means to come to an agreement to target the audience in the interaction. David Gauntlet gives us an example of “how you interact with your teachers in school or college”, which suggest the way you are portraying yourself to others. Negotiated Identity suggests that we contain a balance of our desires and meeting the expectations of others. Therefore, we try to seem suitable towards others.
Collective Identity – The definition is sense of belonging to a group. David Gauntlet says the most famous example is “Cultural experience” this is because each different cultural has its own way of developing life itself. Collective Identity gives the impression that everyone belongs somewhere whether its in its own cultural or group.