
My style model for my advert is a Coca Cola Christmas advert where Santa is holding a coke bottle, however I feel that my ad would look better for my subject to hold the product out a bit more to give the whole thing a bit more depth and a premium feel. For my advert I will be using a portrait of someone holding my product with the Gillette slogan “the best a man can get” in the top left, encased by two white lines. The Gillette logo will be almost hidden in the bottom right corner (with an added drop shadow to create some contrast and make it stand out), seeing as it is dominant ideology that Gillette is a big name brand in the men’s grooming industry most people remember their slogan and will know straight away that it is a Gillette product after looking at the product and reading the slogan. Seeing as the model is clean shaven it is a connotation that the product works well. The subject will be in a bold, confident pose to make him appear masculine, tying in to underlining tones of patriarchal supremacy. This add will be radical in that it is a male representing a product intended for male use which is a common theme with the e-commerce of domestic products. My product is simple as it is intended to be an advert from a major compony which has global recognition and is marketing to a large group of males ages ranging between 16-75, and so the meaning of the add is easy to interpret no matter the age of the viewer. This target audience will likely have a preferred brand of shaving foam and so it is important to for my advert to have an impact on the viewers who could potentially consider using my product to replace their chosen brand which in most cases will be used everyday.

My final product