I intend for my product advert to be targeted towards young men between the ages of 16-30 to imply that the Sekonda watches are affordable, smart and functional. I will be using the watch in the centre of a crowded space to imply that life can become crowded and that buying a watch can help fix that issue , along with small text. The advert is meant to imply to people they should have a smart watch to make themselves smarter and liven up their dress, impressing people around them and at work. I will also attempt to use the quote “Find your watch today” implying that there are many options that a person can pick from and that there are multiple types to fit multiple outfits at a good price. In this advert I will be using a serif font to make the advert seem fancier, I will be using a box around the advert to make the customer focus on the actual product instead of the surrounding clutter and items, then I will add the Sekonda text to make the advert look smarter and seem like its from the actual company, not a student. I will be making the watch specifically jump out by making it a bit brighter than the surrounding objects. The watch will be layed out flat to show the full leather straps and the quality of it to impress customers and show how smart the watch is, also in the background I will be using womans perfume, mens body wash and female magazine page to signify that the owner of this watch has taken off the watch due to having a lady friend over.
I will be doing this by using my own Sekonda watch for the reactionary advert and will be using a Sekonda woman’s watch in the radical advert. I will be making the woman’s advert radical by making the advert wildly sexist and putting the watch on a wooden rolling pin then sprinkling flour around the scene to give the sexist ideology that woman belong in the kitchen, as well as this it supports the old stereotypes that woman are below men and that everything is patriarchal. I will be using my mums golden female Sekonda watch and putting it around the rolling pin. I will be using the quote “make sure nothing burns” to really display the targeted over sexist advert that I have made. Of course this is just for the idea of the advert and I do not agree with the message. I will be adding a cooking recipe page behind the scene to make nearly a copy of my modern, male advert to display the duality of adverts and advert styles. I will be using a lot of bright red and orange colours to give the ideology of the sixties, with a couple blurred areas, older style font, noise in the photo along with colourful flowery patterns to capture the sense of the sixties. I will also take the photo in the infinity screen with flash lighting with soft boxes to make the gold of the watch shine, the reason for this is to show off the quality of the product rather than to make the presumed woman wearer feel glamourous, this is the patriarchal sixties after all.