Companies are being more racially diverse within their adverts which gives them a better representation for who and what they support.
The influencer Manny spreads the positivity of using makeup on either gender with the tag, “lash like a boss”
The influencer, Shayla spreads the idea that its difficult for different races to wear different makeup due to tones and shades being different, Maybelline fixes this issue with their new product
The ads background presents the idea that it is an expensive product, however it is advertisement is implying the product is luxury but affordable.
The slogan displayed for the video is a catchy, inspirational moto.
Maybelline makes (USD)$146.82 million a year in sales with 4.48 million people using Maybelline eye products in 2020.
Founded in 1914, New York, United States.
The characters in the video are shown to be confident and good looking to imply that if you’re a different race, sexuality or gender it doesn’t matter and you can do whatever you would like and be great at it.