ADVERTISING NEA : Statement of intent


For my advert, I would like to show the result of what the product would look like on someone. This product will ideally be only for men, and shows a reactionary view. It will have a reactionary view in the sense that the dominant signifier will be males that look smart, formal and smug, to create the desire for the product so that the buyer could look the same way to make the target audience buy it.

I will place the product along side the dominant signifier to show what its going to look like when bought. Its going to be highlighted in a outer glow to emphasize the product and how glorious it is. The model presented in the advert would have a index to the aftershave product and the product is a symbol to the model. The whole advert is a icon as it represents the whole product in one.

The name of the product will named in the language French to make it sound posher and further demonstrate how fancy it is.

In order to do this, I will be the model and dress up with formal clothes and shades to create a desire for the product.

Iconic, dominant signifier, reactionary, index, symbol, connotation, signified, ideology

David gauntlet – Constructed identity, collective identity

Constructed reality, Male gaze, positive and negative stereotypes, Audience positioning

The aspirer, The reformer.

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