quantative and qualitative


Research Product 1: Maybelline Eyeliner

Women aged 17-30 or makeup enthusiasts. Social grade usually A-C1. Eyeliner can be more on the expensive side, so people usually with a high to middle social grade would purchase this.

Research Product 2: Nivea Lip Balm

Women aged 11-60 or anyone who wants to have healthy lips of any age and gender. Social grade usually A-D, most people can afford this as it’s cheap, but people of a higher social grade would still purchase.

My Product: NYX Eyeliner

Women aged 17-30 or makeup enthusiasts. Social grade usually A-C1. Eyeliner can be more on the expensive side, so people usually with a high to middle social grade would purchase this.


Research Product 1: Maybelline Eyeliner

The Aspirer- Motivated by esteem/status needs

Research Product 2: Nivea Lip Balm

The Mainstreamer- Motivated by belonging needs

My Product: NYX Eyeliner

The aspirer- Motivated by esteem/status needs

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