Hypodermic Needle– used to disseminate propaganda via popular forms of media
Hypodermic model– Passive consumption , used in ww2 to manipulate the masses through the media to justify the govs actions
Who?– Dyson
Says what?– If you buy Dyson hairdryers, you will be trendy and have nice hair
Channel-This ad was featured inside of a women’s gossip magazine
To whom?– This ad would be targeted at the same demographic that read women’s magazines
With what effect?-This add would generally make the viewer want to buy a dyson hairdryer in hopes that they can be cool and have nice hair.
Says what?-Women will come running if you wear this aftershave
Channel-Ad would be an advert during the broadcast of a UFC fight
To whom?-Targeted at males 16yr-45yr olds
With what effect?-This add would ideally convince the viewer that if you buy this aftershave then more women will be attracted to you if you wear it.
My product- Gucci Aftershave
Ideal endorser- Travis Scott