Leveson 10 Years on

  • The Leveson Inquiry is/was public inquiry into cultures, practices and ethics of the British press. This inquiry looks into the News international phone hacking scandal for publicity of private and personal information about celebrities and general people.
  • One of the most popular consequence of Leveson was the investigation of Milly Dowler’s case when evidence was revealed in July 2011 when ‘News of the World’ reporters had hacked the voicemail of murder victim Milly to force the belief / hide their actions that she was still alive, and gave hope for her family. The prime minister then announced a public inquiry under the Inquires Act 2005.
  • At the time media was corrupt and especially journalism, believed it was ‘OK’ to hack into peoples phones and lives to gain information to boost their companies popularity and income. Still to this day, some aspects of media is still corrupted.


Fluidity of identity– Gauntlet comments on how someone’s identity can change because of how men and woman are being represented in the media. Identity is always changing and people are adapting to new cultural normality’s. Gautlett states we have a “greater diversity of identities”. Fluidity of identity means that a persons identity is always changing, and they don’t have to specifically stick to one personality trait and that to wholy represent you as a person.

Constructed identity– This is when a person builds up their identity and it slightly changes, depending on their peers/audiences. Men and women are becoming more equal and there is also no longer a specific gender to belong too, people classify themselves as ‘they’ or ‘them’ and that is the identity our generation has allowed people to do (more or less) . Magazines, Movies or the opinion leaders who dominate our society (influencers, celebs) all help us to “construct” this identity for ourselves suggesting ways of living in todays society.

Negotiated identity– A negotiated identity is a direct balance between our own desires and wants and meeting the expectations of others and what they desire.

Collective identity– Means that we refer to our sense of belonging to group, This could be out of a shared interest/experience or even something in common. Our desire to be with others and “fit in”. These groups could be social, religious, occupational or gendered.

David Gauntlett

Fluidity Of Identity – Having a fluid identity means having the ability to change how you see yourself, the world, and your actions. David Gauntlett states that we have a “greater diversity of identities”.

Constructed Identity – There are many things people may use to construct their own identities. Media helps to “construct” an identity for ourselves suggesting ways of living by acting on their advice or recognising ourselves in a character of a film.

Negotiated Identity – The line where your desired appearance to other people meets the expectation that other people have of you. Showing how we want a balance of being with others and retaining our own strong identity. 

Collective Identity – A reference to the natural human desire of belonging, specifically to a group. Our likeliness to try to ‘fit in’ with others and engage.

Levenson: 10 years on

At News International there was a large hacking scandal whereby the police had got Levenson involved. The Leveson inquiry was public and was involved in the British press’s culture, practices, and ethics. The Leveson report was released in November 2012, which examined the culture and ethics of the press and presented proposals for a new body to replace the existing Press Complaints Commission.

The Leveson inquiry, led by judge Sir Brian Leveson, started in 2011. This was after it was found that journalists at Rupert Murdoch’s now unusable News of the World tabloid hacked the phone of a murdered school girl Milly Dowler.

David gauntlett

Constructed identity– There are many things we as people may use to construct our own identities. Movies, tv shows and opinion leaders such as celebrities with a big follow count can all help us to “construct” this identity for ourselves suggesting ways of living by acting on their advice or recognising ourselves in a character of a film.

Fluidity of identity– A persons’ identity can change because of how gender roles (male and females) are being represented in the media. Fluidity of identity is the idea that identity is not always fixed because we are constantly adapting to new cultural norms. He states that we have a “greater diversity of identities”.

Collective identity– Refers to our sense of belonging to a group. Our likeliness to try to ‘fit in’ with others and engage.

Negotiated identity– A balance between meeting the expectations of others and our own personal wants. Showing how we want a balance of being with others and retaining our own strong identity. 

statement of intent

First ad

Statement of intent- My intention is to create a reactionary ad for a perfume based in the 1960s. The product I am using is a Flower inspired perfume called ‘Blossom’ by the makeup chain Superdrug. My ad will be based around the idea of, youth, flowers, freshness, fun and aimed at women between 16-35.

Media Language- My dominant Signifier will be My product, a bottle of body spray, I will be closely following my style model and emulate the white box filled with text and an image of the product as seen in my style model. My ad will feature symbols of flowers as flowers signify freshness, an indexical signifier this perfume will make you smell young and fresh. I want my ad to be fun to entice people to buy the product, to do this I will be directing my model to pose confidently so that the potential buyers will believe they too will be confident and fun when wearing this scent. My product will be a conventional ad inspired by the 1960s, I will be using the ‘Score Liquid Hair Groom’ as my style model.

Audience- my audience will be people aged around 16-30 with no specified income, the product will be fairly priced and small enough to fit in a bag for everyday life.

Second ad

Statement of intent- my intention is to create a radical ad for my product, a flower scented body spray. My ad will be based around the floral scent of the spray instead of sexualising the model as seen in many reactionary ads. My style model is a Victoria secrets body spray ad from the modern day. My model will not be wearing revealing clothing as I want my ad to focus on the product and the flowery scents, not the model.

My Victoria's Secret Fragrance Collection! | Lotions to Sprays to EDPs! -  YouTube

Media Language- My dominant signifier will be my bottle of body spray called ‘Blossom’ by Superdrug. I will be placing symbols of flowers blooming from my models head to correlate to my slogan ‘A blooming array of florals’.

Audience- my audience will be people aged around 16-30 with no specified income, the product will be fairly priced and small enough to fit in a bag for everyday life.


The Levenson inquiry was a judge-led inquiry set up by the Prime Minister David Cameron. It reviewed the general culture of the British media and made recommendations for a new, independent body to replace existing press complaints commission.

The press hacked into 13 year old Millie Dower’s phone and messaged people pretending to be her to talk to her parents. The police gave full permission for this to go ahead.

David Gauntlet: Identity

Fluidity of identity– Gauntlet comments on how someone’s identity can change because of how men and woman are being represented in media. Showing how our identity is not always fixed because we are constantly adapting to new cultural norms. He now says we have a “greater diversity of identities”.

Constructed identity– Even though the representation between men and women are becoming more balanced, there are still a variety of cues we use to construct our identities. Magazines, Movies or the opinion leaders who dominate our society (influencers, celebs) all help us to “construct” this identity for ourselves suggesting ways of living by acting on their advice or recognising ourselves in a character of a film.

Negotiated identity– A negotiated identity is a balance between our own desires and meeting the expectations of others. Showing how we want a balance of being with others and retaining our own strong identity.

Collective identity– This refers to our sense of belonging to group, weather that be out of a shared interest/experience or even something in common. Our desire to engage with others and “fit in”.

Leveson 10 years on

Leveson was a public, judge-led inquiry set up by Prime Minister, David Cameron, to examine the culture, practice and ethics of the press. This inquiry was inspired by the ‘News International, phone hacking scandal.

In 2007, News of the world royal editor Clive Goodman and private investigator Glenn Mulcaire were convicted of illegal interception of phone messages. In July 2011, it was revealed that ‘News of the World’ reporters had hacked the voicemail of murder victim Milly Dowler. Messages were deleted by the journalists in the first few days after Milly’s disappearance in order to “free up space for more messages”. As a result friends and relatives of Milly concluded wrongly that she might still be alive. Similar incidents have happened with celebrities including Sienna Miller, Charlotte Church and Hugh Grant, who say they have been badly treated by the British press. The public inquiry would be chaired by Lord Justice Leveson on 13 July 2011.