advertising: CSP 3 and 4


As we close this first half term and move to the next, we can watch some more about Jean Kilbourne to help us engage with her enquiry into the values that are held and communicated about our society (particulary with regard to the representation of gender) from the advertising industry, this link.

We will also look at some Advertising from the 1950’s with an episode of Washes Whiter – this is the episode we looked at in class: and below is another episode that you should watch over the half term break.

Going forward, next half term we will look at ADVERTISING in more detail. We will look at 2 more exam case studies (called CSP’s – close study products). We will make some adverts for a cosmetic product. So in preparation please:

  • a cosmetic product that you want to promote, market and advertise
  • 3-5 print adverts that you want to use as style models for your own productions.


MAKE SURE YOU PROVIDE AN ANALYSIS OF 3-5 ADVERTISING STYLE MODELS (it is not the quantity but the quality of your analysis that is important)

– make sure you embed them in your blog as a GALLERY x 5 marks
1. Textual analysis (ie media language x 5 – what elements are in your research products)
2. Semiotic analysis (ie key terms x 5 around semiotics)
3. Representational analysis (key terms x 5 around representation)

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