
  1. Male gaze – the male gaze is the act of depicting women and the world in a heterosexual masculine way and seeing women in a erotic way
  2. Voyeurism – a sexualisation of private actions such as undressing and other sexual actions
  3. Patriarchy – a hierarchy where men are on top of woman where men are seen as better and woman were objectified
  4. Positive and negative stereotypes
  5. Counter-types – A representation that highlights the positive features of a person and in a group
  6. Misrepresentation – where a person is discriminated against or excluded
  7. Selective representation – only showing and representing specific things or not at all
  8. Dominant ideology- values and beliefs in a group or social majority
  9. Constructed reality – The theory that the way we present ourselves to other people is shaped partly by our interactions with others, as well as by our life experiences.
  10. Hegemony –  leadership or dominance of one group over another
  11. Audience positioning – the way a writer wants his audience to believe by the representation and points he is making forcing his views by the way he structured his sentence
  12. Fluidity of identity – identity that is changing over time at time goes on
  13. Constructed identity – how someone is making a identity by the things around them
  14. Negotiated identity – Identity negotiation refers to the processes through which perceivers and targets come to agreements regarding the identities that targets are to assume in the interaction
  15. Collective identity – an individuals’ sense of belonging to a group where they have similar views and identity

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