key terms around representation

  1. Male gaze

the perspective of a notionally typical heterosexual man considered as embodied in the audience or intended audience for films and other visual media, characterized by a tendency to objectify or sexualize women.

  1. Voyeurism

Voyeurism is defined as an interest in observing unsuspecting people while they undress, are naked, or engage in sexual activities. The interest is usually more in the act of watching, rather than in the person being watched.

  1. Patriarchy

a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it.

  1. Positive and negative stereotypes

For example, women are positively stereotyped as warm but negatively stereotyped as weak; Asian-Americans are positively stereotyped as competent but negatively stereotyped as cold; Black Americans are positively stereotyped as athletic but negatively stereotyped as unintelligent.

  1. Counter-types

Countertype A representation that highlights the positive features of a person or group. 

  1. Misrepresentation

the action or offence of giving a false or misleading account of the nature of something.

  1. Selective representation

Selective Representation is only showing (representing) some events/conflicts.

  1. Dominant ideology

The ideas, attitudes, values, beliefs, and culture of the ruling class in a society; usually also the function of these in validating the status quo. The nature and coherence of capitalist ideology is disputed

  1. Hegemony

the global dominance and influence of powerful commercial mass media organizations and a transnational elite. 

  1. Audience positioning

 constructed to place audiences in a particular position in relation to the product, the product is encoded with meanings and messages through its use of media language, the audience then decode these messages. Different audiences will decode the same products in a different way.

  1. Constructed identity

socially and historically constructed concept. … The media uses representations—images, words, and characters or personae—to convey specific ideas and values related to culture and identity in society.

  1. Negotiated identity

 processes through which people reach agreements regarding “who is who” in their relationships. Once these agreements are reached, people are expected to remain faithful to the identities they have agreed to assume.

  1. Collective identity

 Communities formed from shared identity: age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, cultural values, political ideas etc.  Not just representations by mainstream media but also self-construction by users of the media. Collective identity: the individual’s sense of belonging to a group.

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