Pithy quotes for essay

Why Diversity matters article:

“The issue of diversity in gaming has been a hot topic in recent years. The industry traditionally projects an image that is young, white, straight and male,”

“The industry has been improving its depiction of non-white, non-male characters for several years, but in the last three E3 events, there has been a real sense of momentum, belief and priority”

Levelling up article:

“A 2015 study showed that 83% of non-Hispanic Black teenagers play video games, compared to 71% of Caucasian teenagers, with 69% of Hispanic teens not too far behind.”

“Over time, representation has become more frequent, and more importantly, more authentic within the realm of video games.”

Laura Mulvey Quotes:

“Once he actually confronts her his erotic drive is to break her down and force her to tell by persistent cross questioning.”

“In herself the woman has not the slightest importance”

Feminist Frequency:

“The Damsel in Distress predates the invention of video games by several thousand years”

“The gruesome death of women for shock value is especially prevalent in modern gaming”

Quotes From Articles

Diversity Matters article

“Most games feature white protagonists”

“Persons who genuinely see themselves as good people end up justifying turning a blind eye to overt racism and violence”

Levelling up article 

“If you do not see yourself on Netflix, on Instagram, in games, in forums, where are you?”

“As a girl growing up playing games I was always like, why do I have to play as a boy?”

Laura Mulvey’s academic paper

“There is pleasure in being looked at”

“The cinema has structures of fascination strong enough to allow temporary loss of ego while simultaneously reinforcing the ego”

Feminist Frequency website

“The gruesome death of women for shock value is especially prevalent in modern gaming”

“The Damsel in Distress predates the invention of video games by several thousand years”


“Black and other characters of color became more prevalent, even if most often confined to the fighting genre”

“Some of the only places where Black characters could be found was in sports games”

“Playstation recently sponsored Pride London, providing a joyous, hugely colourful presence in the parade.”

“This is a really important part of representation – giving people who struggle to play games the ability to join in, and to be visible on screen.”

“Most games feature white protagonists”

“Psychoanalytic theory is thus appropriate here as a political weapon, demonstrating the way the unconscious of patriarchal society has structured film form.”

“The gruesome death of women for shock value is especially prevalent in modern gaming”

“Women’s desire is subjected to her image as bearer of the bleeding wound, she can exist only in relation to castration and cannot transcend it.”

“The Damsel in destress is a plot device in which a female character is placed in a perilous situation from which she cannot escape on her own and must be rescued by the male character, usually providing a core incentive or motivation for the protagonist’s quest.”

“The Damsel in the refrigerator occurs when the hero’s sweetheart is brutally murdered and her soul is then trapped or abducted by the villain.”

“Only solutions to kill the damsel to protect her”

”Young, white, straight male”

“The Damsel in Distress predates the invention of video games by several thousand years”

“Only solutions to kill the damsel to protect her”

Pithy Quotes

Leveling up:

The most-active gameplaying demographic is African American teenagers.

For a time, some of the only places where Black characters could be found was in sports games.

Diversity Matters:

Playstation recently sponsored Pride London, providing a joyous, hugely colourful presence in the parade.

Xbox got a new feature in settings called co-pilot. It lets console owners map a game’s controls on to two separate joypads, so two people have access at the same time.

Laura Mulvey:

She falls in love with the main male protagonist and becomes his property losing her outward glamourous characteristics.

Once he actually confronts her his erotic drive is to break her down and force her to tell by persistent cross questioning.

Feminist Frequency Website:

The gruesome death of women for shock value is especially prevalent in modern gaming.

The Damsel in Distress predates the invention of video games by several thousand years.

pithy quotes

Laura mauvely

“She falls in love with the main male protagonist and becomes his property losing her outward glamourous characteristics.”

“Once he actually confronts her his erotic drive is to break her down and force her to tell by persistent cross questioning.”

levelling up

“young women whose only choice of dress is either a bikini or something extremely revealing that the player can choose for them to wear.”

“poor representation of Asian women perpetuates the stereotype that they are meek, submissive, sexual objects who exist purely for men’s entertainment.”

why diversity matters

 “As a girl growing up playing games I was always like, why do I have to play as a boy?” 


Levelling up

  1. The first video game featuring a Black person was Heavyweight Champ, an arcade fighting game released by SEGA in 1976, then remade in 1987, and re-released again in the early ’90s. 
  2. As technology advanced, Black and other characters of color became more prevalent, even if most often confined to the fighting genre. And stereotypes were not limited to African Americans; Latinx characters have often been portrayed as gangbangers and drug dealers, as seen in the Grand Theft Auto franchise, with ridiculous, cliched gang names like “The Cholos” and “The Cubans,” voiced in exaggerated, stereotypical Hispanic accents.

Why diversity matters

  1. The industry traditionally projects an image that is young, white, straight and male, but there is growing understanding that – if only for the sake of releasing more interesting products – this has to change.
  2. “We decided that we’d like to do more for our LGBTQ gaming community and Pride in London seemed like a great start for that – after all, we are based in central Soho. We quickly came together with the UK team who had separately been working on plans for Pride. From there, it just started to move forward …”

Laura Mulvey’s ‘Visual pleasure and Narrative cinema’

  1. A male movie star’s glamorous characteristics are thus not those of the erotic object of the gaze, but those of the more perfect, more complete more powerful ego conceived in the original moment of recognition in front go the mirror.
  2. She is isolated, glamorous, on display, sexualised. But as the narrative progresses she falls in love with the main male protagonist and becomes his property, losing her outward glamorous characteristics, her generalised sexuality, her show-girl connotations; her eroticism is subjected to the male star alone. By means of identification of him, through participation in his power, the spectator can indirectly possess her too.

Feminist Frequency

  1. As a trope the damsel in distress is a plot device in which a female character is placed in a perilous situation from which she cannot escape on her own and must be rescued by a male character, usually providing a core incentive or motivation for the protagonist’s quest.
  2. Disposability – When an objectified person is treated as “something designed for or capable of being thrown away after being used or used up” – a component of objectification theory.

Statement of intent

My games cover will largely be targeted at a male audience in the age bracket of ages 16 and above, it will be made by a large company with loads of funding to assure that the game is well made, I can also use this factor to include better reviews on the game. The game will be based off of several different survival horror games with supernatural elements. Weapons will also be included such as high end counter-insurgency gear, as the game will take place in a top secret government facility. The front cover will include the main character who will be an African American man who is dressed in full military uniform.

I will also include different hints to the theme of the game being supernatural by using common elements used in other forms of media such as thick fog or glowing eyes peering through said fog. These will hopefully help to catch the eyes of potential customers. On the back of the games cover I will include all of the relevant information such as age ratings and safety warnings, I will also include a brief description of the game, some reviews from popular game review company’s and some sneak peek photos of the game.

Pithy quotes

Diversity Quotes –

“You can use it to help people with disabilities, or people who are just less experienced at games. While playing, instead of taking the controller away from them.”

“We have a very diverse staff, including a big number of LGBTQ people who went through the same challenges that many of our LGBTQ fans are going through right now,”

Levelling Up Quotes –

“Over time, representation has become more frequent, and more importantly, more authentic within the realm of video games.”

“The International Game Developers Association found that 81% of developers identified as White/Caucasian and 2% identified as Black/African-American/African/Afro-Caribbean.”

Laura Mulvey Quotes –

“She falls in love with the main male protagonist and becomes his property losing her outward glamourous characteristics.”

“Once he actually confronts her his erotic drive is to break her down and force her to tell by persistent cross questioning.”