Game Cover – Statement

Statement of Intent

In my game cover, I would like to aim for a similar type to the well-known game series and film, Assassins Creed. I hope to achieve a radical version of this game, by making an attractive and oversexualised young lady. This is because Assassins Creed mainly covers up their female characters and NPCS, and are similar to the male characters. The genders are equally dressed.

In my product I will have one dominant signifier who will be shown as an over oversexualised female, London assassin/agent in which she gets recruited by the FBI to go undercover. The index in this game are the two countries that are fighting in a world war, America and Japan. The icons in my game are the weapons that will be acquired by the player, to which these are a sign for war and violence.

The type of audience that would consume this genre of game, would be 18 years and older, as the game would consist of violence, gore, strong language and sexual innuendo. Additionally the company that would produce my product would be console companies, like Playstation or Xbox.

semiotics definitions

Sign- An object, quality, or event whose presence or occurrence indicates the probable presence or occurrence of something else.

Code-A system of words, letters, figures, or symbols used to represent others.

Convention-A way in which something is usually done.

Anchorage-Used to describe how the combination of elements within a sign fit together and fix the meaning.

Signifier- Any material thing that signifies

Signified-The meaning / idea expressed by a sign, as distinct from the physical form in which it is expressed.

Icon- The definition of an icon is a graphic representation of something, a person or thing that is symbolic or is a noted figure.

Index-An indicator or measure of something.

Symbol-A thing that represents or stands for something else. 

Signification-The representation or conveying of meaning.

Denotation-The literal or primary meaning of a word, in contrast to the feelings or ideas that the word suggests.

Connotation-The literal or primary meaning of a word, contrasting the feelings/ideas that the word suggests.

Myth-A widely held but false belief or idea.

Ideology- The science of ideas; the study of their origin and

Paradigm-A collection of signs that are related.


I’m aiming for my game cover to be directed towards teens and adults above the age of sixteen, I’m doing this by making a similar game cover to the well know Call Of Duty franchise with soldiers in the front and a battleground behind, however when I go to my radical cover, I’m going to have oversexualised males and females on the cover which goes against the typical fighting games. As well as this I’m going to specifically focus my characters so that it is Caucasian Male.

I would utilise dominant signifiers with weapons (assault rifles) which is an icon and a sign for war, As well as this I would have a dark background that focuses the attention to the main character, who is the main embodiment of the game and what it is about. As well as this an index sign to refer to the companies that “produce” the game, I’m going to use the typical game makers logos to fit the cover properly.

I’m including weapons and vehicles that correspond with the idea of war. I’m going to dress my character in the typical navy green, camo soldier costume and include pictures of nature and an American flag around the cover, this is to set the scene and idea behind the game where you are fighting within a safari and within the home county of America

I would want my game to be made and produced by the large company Activision. The reason why is because the followers of Activision are normally the type that play war games and fit within the bracket of players that I would like to target my game too. My game is typically targeted to people above the age of 16.

CSP TOMb raider & metroid


The front cover uses Lara Croft as an iconic sign to show buyers who the main protagonist of the game is – Lara as a sign can be seen as radical as she is shown holding guns, something not typically seen everyday. The title is also a symbolic sign presenting an idea of the atmosphere of the game and shows the name of the main character – Lara Croft – and which edition of the game it is, it does a good job of presenting a lot of information with a small amount of text. Furthermore on the front cover there is the symbolic sign of the age rating – this symbol tells buyers that only people aged 12 and above are allowed to play the game. In addition, the iconic sign of the xbox symbol represents which system the game is played on – and that it wont be played on any others.


The back cover uses an iconic sign of an Egyptian relic to further help show the atmosphere of the game to buyers, and draw in those interested in the subject. Furthermore there is another symbolic age rating sign – reminding buyers only people aged 12 and up can play the game.


The front cover uses the iconic sign of the main character – Samus Aran – in a space suit to present immediately what the game will contain and be about. The front cover also uses the title as an indexical sign to help further this as it has a futuristic design connoting that the game will be set in the future, which also tells buyers what the game is called. In addition it also has the Gamecube sign, telling buyers that the game can only be played on gamecube. Furthermore, this cover also has the symbolic age rating sign – also reminding buyers that only people 12 and over can play the game. There is also an indexical sign of the nintendo logo, showing that nintendo is the company who published the game. Finally there are 2 PAL symbols on the front cover – showing that the game can only be played in PAL regions and will not work elsewhere.