representation: statment of intent

I am going to makes a games box cover based around the game “Call of Duty”. I aim to portray the idea that women are equally as powerful as men and shouldn’t be seen from the “male glaze” by putting both a male and female on the front cover. They will both be in the same stance and wear non-revealing clothing: avoiding typical male sexualisation of females in-game. Calling it “Ancient shooting war”

I will use contrasting colours from the top of the cover to the bottom, mise-en-scene, large bold writing for the title and different shapes to introduce mystery hiding behind them, using both icon and indexical signs to allow for increased interest.

The type of company that would make my cover would be a big brand Eldos who make many popular games and the type of people that would consume it would be both male and female but mainly male aged around 12 and up.

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