games cover

For my games cover i will be creating a pirate themed game, my dominant signifier will be a female pirate. I have chosen to create a radical female pirate game instead of a reactionary male pirate to ignore the harmful stereotypes that surround pirates and adventure based characters. I am creating this character to contrast with the usual theme of ‘damsel in distress’ which is presented with many female video game characters. My dominant signifier will be holding a sword which is an indexical signifier to danger and strength, something that is not commonly associated with female characters. My character will be wearing a long skirt or trousers to take away the focus of the male gaze and shine the spotlight on the aim of the game, adventure and fun.

My games cover will feature my dominant signifier on the front accompanied by small photo snippets of the game play on the back to entice the players. The anchorage will be smaller than the dominant signifier but placed near her.

The company producing my game will be XBOX as they have a huge following in the gaming community and will be able to gain the attention of potential players.

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