Games Cover

Statement of Intent – I am going to make a games cover based around FIFA, because the argument around male and female football being similar principles is quite interesting to me. I am going to do two covers, both based around football, however one version of the cover will be reactionary featuring mostly male characters wearing usual, comfortable sportswear typical of that worn in a football match, however the other one will feature female characters, and so it will be radical to what the stereotypical audience, a young, male player, of a football game would commonly expect for a front cover of these kinds of games.

I am going to base my covers on the standard cover of FIFA 22 which has conveniently been released this month, with a similar layout using elements such as an age rating, company logos, graphical elements such as lines, and indexical symbols to relate to what the product is offering. However, I am going to use different background images, but use the same icons and signs that the normal one does.

I want my product to represent the fact that women are perfectly capable of playing sport and making it entertaining without having to bear the “male gaze” in mind, particularly in the game industry. I intend to prove that women to not need to satisfy the male gaze while being depicted as strong and independent in video games.

The type of product I am going to make would usually be published by a games company such as EA and would be for an audience of fairly young male players.

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