Key terms – semiotics

Sign- stands in for something else

Code- used to construct meaning in media forms

Convention- the accepted way of doing something

Dominant signifier- the main thing that stands in for something else

Anchorage- words that go along with an image to give meaning of context


Signifier- stands in for something else

Signified- thing or idea trying to be evoked


Icon- physically resembles thing or idea

Index- direct relation to thing or idea

Symbol- no relation/ decided by society two things should be linked


Signification- process of the construction of meaning from the signs

Denotation- first level analysis (what a reader can see on the page)

Connotation- meanings or associations we have with the image

Myth- naturalizes events turning history into nature

Ideology- a world view about how society should fuction

Radical- something you wouldn’t expect / out of the ordinary

Reactionary- what you would expect/ follows stereotypes

Paradigm- how we can create differentiation in meaning

Syntagm- an orderly combination of interacting signifiers which forms a meaningful whole

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