Statement of intent-

In my summer task I wanted to focus on females in hospitality and their experiences. I did this by asking a colleague at work who had 3 years experience, knew that she would be willing to share her experiences, and would make an interesting interview. I asked her 3 questions that resulted in long informative answers, all including topics such as dealing with angry customers, sexual harassment and the positives.

Media language_

The media language used in my language was based in a question and answer format, I used a main image of her in her work uniform as I thought it would set the scene of her on a shift. I added a title and a by-line. To improve next time I will add collems and more colour to make my interview more interesting and include more media language.


My product challenges the stereotype of teenagers, a general idea of teenagers in modern society is rebellious and troublesome, but here Tilly is a hardworking teen who balances friendships and school with working, and highlights that teenagers aren’t the problem as it provides us with story’s of adults acting inappropriately and what adults themselves would call improper. It also directly provokes the subject of how without young, enthusiastic staff, who contribute new, fresh ideas, the hospitality world wouldn’t thrive.


The audience I am focusing on is teenagers, who work in hospitality, or customers who are restaurant or café users. I want the audience to use the article as a way to step into hospitality workers shoes, and re-think their manor towards staff, and to re-assure other teenage waitresses or waiters that they are not alone in their treatment by customers.


Next time to improve, I will add columns to my article to create a more magazine/ newspaper aesthetic. Also I also include more topics within my topic of hospitality to cover a bigger scale article.

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