1. Overview and Screening

We are now going to revisit TELEVISION, which directly connects to the CSP text that you studied in the AS year. To make it clear, there is a specific A2 television text that accompanies a specific AS televsion text. So (if) a question comes up in one of the A2 exams about television it will ask you to compare one of 3 pairs. To be absolutely clear: you will need to talk about both of your specific texts BUT you can choose which pair you talk about. So your choice of paired texts are:

Either Capital and Deutschland 83
Witnesses and The Missing
No Offence and The Killing

For more details look at pages 5-19 in the CSP booklet (below): PLEASE LOOK THROUGH THIS BOOKLET.

To ensure that you have all had the opportunity to watch the episodes that you want to study – or for the opportunity to watch all of them (why not?) then I will play them in the first academic week of January over Teams. If this does not work for you then I will provide screening opportunities after school when we return w/c 11th January. Failing that and/or in terms of revision you can access the programmes by following the links, or we have some of the episodes on DVD.

Task 1:


And remember that the key approach is to think about AUDIENCES & INSTITUTIONS in other words,

  1. Who is the primary, secondary and tertiary audience for these products?
  2. What audience theories can you apply to which help you to develop a better understanding of the potential target audience?
  3. What ideas and approaches about media institutions (rather than individuals) can be applied in terms of the production, distribution & exhibition of your chosen pair of television programmes?

Task 2:

READ THESE: Hesmondhalgh; Livingstone & Lunt; Curran and Seaton.

Extract 5 bullet points that include quotation (that you could use in an essay as support for an argument – think about what the argument would be?)

Q: What is the difference between a consumer based media regulation system and a citizen based regulation system?

Q. What impact did the 2003 Communications Act have on media regulation?

Q. What is the drawback of a self-regulated system?

Q. How do you regulate media content and organisations on a global scale?

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