writing as a director


Read the passage from line 445, (‘Goodbye, goodbye, my dear friend.’) to line 507 (‘…as in a pieta’). As a director, how would you direct the scene to bring out the changing dynamics of this passage? [10]

{It’s important to realise that you are not going to be able to write about EVERYTHING in this part. Selecting the RIGHT passage to ANSWER the QUESTION (“direct…changing dynamics …”) is CRITICAL.

Sample of writing for Dynamics Question

I would direct the first section (Dracula’s Goodbye speech) to be dangerously quiet and falsely ‘sweet’ in a most unnerving way with him exiting as he makes the final comment about ‘bad dreams for those who sleep unwisely’. I would add a sound effect to make these words echo after his exit to make them seem more ominous and bring the sound effect of “wolves howling” up in volume. 

The slamming and bolting of the door would mark a sudden change in energy, enhanced by an echo to make the place feel cold and empty. I’d then have absolute silence to create an intense contrast and then Jonathan’s repetition of ‘Mina’ while ‘on his knees’ would be the emotional low point for this character. He would be centre stage, head bowed so that he’s vulnerable for when the Vampire Brides enter upstage. ​

I would use a ‘vampire-brides theme’ almost unheard at first: a track that is eerie and ominous, perhaps with an underscore of hollow laughter. This would be heard before we see the Brides to create intrigue and unease for the audience. I would have them appear out of some swirling fog with extremely low light so that we can  barely make them out. I would  have them enter from different directions and have them crouched and even crawling to emphasise their ‘animalistic’ and predator-like behaviour. I would direct them to sniff the air and lick their lips trying to detect what is in the castle with them (Jonathan). By the time they all meet up they would have seen Jonathan and now be on their feet. I’d direct the 3 Brides to have different statuses. Bride 3 seems to be the youngest/newest as she asks more questions “Shall I leave you some”. I’d direct this like an initiation ceremony with the other 2 Brides gently pushing Bride 3 forward, whispering in her ear (instructions) and giving her nods of reassurance. The energy of the scene will build as they get closer and closer to Harker. There movements should be slow, deliberate and seductive. They should appear very feminine so that Harker is in a “langurous ecstacy” and almost a willing victim. Then the dynamics will suddenly change with the arrival of Dracula.

I want the audience to feel shocked with the violence from Lines 488 to 492. I would have Dracula almost strangle Bride 3 “grasps the neck”. When the others try to rescue Bride 3 I have Dracula give both a back handed ‘cuff’ that sends them sprawling on the floor.

This would return them to their animal rhythms and behaviours. They are now crouched ready to flee or fight “breathing and snarling”. Their voices will be harsh and full of anger and spite. They will be grouped in a tighter group for protection and this will given them the confidence to taunt Dracula with “You have never loved” and with “ribald laughs”. This is a significant dynamic change from the feminine tones of earlier.

526 words

Mr Jones


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