This Is England Representation Task


Masculinity is a key theme of the film ‘This is England’, as obviously a lot of the characters in the film are men. There are two main characters, in my opinion, which not only exhibit masculinity to the characters in the film, but also represent two types of masculinity in the eyes of the viewer. On one hand, you have Woody, who embodies the male in Britain at the time who was accepting of everyone, no matter of their appearance, age, gender or ethnicity, which is shown by him inviting Shaun in to his group despite being such a young age. Then you have Combo, who embodies the males who had very right wing views and who believed that through Britain caring for minorities that the white working class male had become a minority themselves.


Women throughout the film of ‘This is England’ are shown to be caring towards the male characters in the film, such as Shaun’s Mum to Shaun, the girls in the gang to Shaun and Smell to Shaun. They’re also used in the film to portray some of the horrible that happened to women during that time period and still happen today. This is shown through the interchange between Combo and Lol in which Combo claims that the thought of their ‘love’ got him through prison. Lol then implies that Combo raped her whilst drunk, as she says that she’s been trying to forget about that night ever since it happened. They’re also portrayed as the more sensible characters in the film and soceity at the time, as shown by the second montage in the film where the boys are messing about and walking solemnly towards the camera, and also when Shaun’s mum takes him to the shoe shop and insists he gets a certain pair of shoes.

Young People

Young people throughout the film are shown to be quite impressionable to their surroundings, such as when Combo convinces a handful of Woody’s gang, including an extremely young Shaun, to join him in committing these heinous, racist acts that we see them do throughout the film. They are also actually shown to be more sensible than adults that we see throughout the film, and even though they do destroy an old abandoned house, that has a nice, friendly tone to it, as they aren’t hurting anyone and they’re bonding with one another over something. On the other hand, the adults throughout the film do horrible, disgusting things, such as prank Woody’s party with a machete. It is only once the young people find themselves under the adult’s tutelage that start to do horrible things, such as racially berate children and men and sexistly taunt women. This film maker showing the audience how impressionable the youth of that time was.

Older People

In terms of older people in the film ‘This is England’, some of them shown to be the caring parental figures in Shaun’s life, such as his mum and Combo, even though Combo does have malicious intent, he is shown to be caring towards Shaun at certain points throughout the film. Politicians, such as Margaret Thatcher, are shown to be, just like in real life, uncaring fools, shown by the graffiti on the side of the church, which is constantly shown throughout the film. Her lack of caring for the working class is the reason for the emergence of these subcultures, such as the ska movement that Woody’s gang follows and the right wing liberalism that Combo believes in.

English People

English people in the film ‘This Is England’ are portrayed in a majority of ways, one being the way in which they are portrayed as violent through the characters that support the political views of the far right, such as Combo. This portrayal is also shown through the opening compilation, in which there is quite a lot of footage that shows British people rioting. Another in which British people are portrayed are quite accepting other people no matter their age or ethnicity. This shown through Woody’s gang and how he invites Shaun, a child, into the gang/friend group as well as being friends with Milky, who is black. This representation though is contradicted later on by the far right characters who berate and abuse people of other ethnicities, such as the man who owns the corner store.

Asian/Black People

Asians and Black people are represented through the characters of Milky, the only black skinhead, and the Asian man who owns the corner shop and the group of Asian boys playing football. Throughout the film, these characters are constantly discriminated against, the most memorable examples for me being when Shaun calls the shop owner a paki and when Combo beats Milky nearly to death whilst berating him with racial slurs. This representation in the film shows to the audience the discrimination people of different ethnicities faced during this time period.

Place (the Midlands where it is set)

The setting of the midlands in the film feels like its own sort of character and as a way for the director to show to the audience the feelings that people had at the time towards those in power, evident from the mise-en-scene which portrays a run-down northern town, telling the audience that the government don’t really care about these people, which is why they’re angry at them. Another element which portrays this anger towards government officials is the ‘Maggie is a twat’ graffiti shown throughout the film.


From the very beginning of the film, directly after the montage, the audience is presented with a clear image of a working class home, which is the opening scene of Shaun’s bedroom and the basic furnishings that it has. The audience is then shown the negative effects that poverty can have upon a person mentally, besides from the obvious effects such as lack of food, as Shaun is bullied for his outdated and ill-fitting clothes. Other images of class presented throughout the film are Combo and his defiant stance on society that the working class male has now become a minority, due to too much immigration, which even those is wrong, could be viewed as right in the case of Combo, as he has clearly had a poor education and where he lives isn’t the nicest of places.

Representation in This Is England

Young people:

Young people are mainly represented in the beginning of This Is England, not only by showing the school that Shaun goes to, but also in the form of Woody and his friends, who are quiet young. It is revealed that Gadget goes to the same school as Shaun, as well as Smell. They are mainly represented as a rowdy sort of bunch, who are easily influenced which is evident by how quickly Shaun joins Combo. However, it is also shown that a lot of them don’t hold the same views as the typical skinhead does, as Woody is far more left-wing than Combo.

Older people (parents/authority figures/politicians):

There are multiple clips of Margaret Thatcher, as well as radio broadcasts of her, throughout This Is England. However, she is not presented in a good light; from the very beginning of the film, there is lots of anti-Thatcher graffiti, and then later on, Combo reveals his criticisms of her. Conservative politicians, especially Thatcher are represented in a very negative way, though it was mainly because of Combo’s white supremacist views.

There are other people of an older generation that are also represented in the film. For example, the National Front that are giving a presentation are all older men, who seem to be of a higher status and class due to their much nicer clothes. Combo and his friends are also of a generation older than Woody, which emphasises the fact that the older people in the film (apart from Shaun’s mother) are represented with far more right-wing views.

English people:

A lot of the English people in the film -despite whether they are white supremacists or not- seem to be somewhat proud of the country. However, a majority are represented as racist nationalists, which include Combo’s violent group, as well as the politicians that are introducing the National Front to Shaun for the first time.


There is a bit of a theme in This Is England of masculinity, even though it is quiet subtle. There are no women at the National Front meeting, and none of the women in Woody’s group decide to join Combo, which suggests that the nationalist skinhead stereotype is very much associated with men. As well as this, when Shaun comes back in after Combo assaults Milky, Combo stops sobbing and notices that Shaun is crying a lot, which prompts him to shove a finger in his face to tell him to stop crying and say that ‘men don’t cry’.

People of colour:

The representation of people of colour in the film shows them as being a villain in Combo’s eyes. In his ‘This Is England’ speech he describes them using racist slurs, and talks about how they are ‘taking jobs’ from the unemployed in England. While they are represented in a negative way, they are clearly not shown to be the actual villains of the story, and the audience is seemingly supposed to sympathise with them. Rather, Combo and his group are presented as the villains.


The setting of the film really seems to give an insight into what England was like in 1983. It is filmed on site, which gives it a sense of verisimilitude and in general, it just feels grimy, gritty and grey which represents the English weather very well.

Exam Feedback

Reframing is the general change in a person’s mindset, whether it be a positive or negative change.

Throughout Joker, cinematography is used effectively to create a sense of chaos within the films diegetic world.

Here, the camera is used to position the spectator.

This suggest to the spectator that.

This reframing of the central character.

PEEL Structure

The structure of the paragraph shows a clear structure of point, evidence, explain and link to spectator.


Exam Feedback

Level 5 terminology/phrases

“occurring within the context of the story and able to be heard by the characters.”

“encouraged to sympathise”

“diegetic world”

Stylised: giving a distinct style or appearance.

Diegetic: occurring within the context of the storyline and able to be heard by the characters.

Cathartic effect: Spectators emotional response to an event in the film, strong realised emotions.

Reframing: change in mindset, appearance, how they’re perceived. Can be positive or negative.

Connote: implying or suggesting, sometimes linking to another thing, drives from the word connotation.

Depicted: how a character is portrayed and seen by spectators.

Paragraphs are written in the PEEL structure (Point, evidence, explain, link back to question.) Paragraphs start by expressing the overall point and then providing evidence that the point is true, following this the evidence is then explained and given context to how it relates with the overall point. Finally, the paragraph ends by referring back to the original essay question and how everything written links to it.

Exam Feedback

  1. using more impressive vocab/phrases such as ;
    • ‘connate’
    • ‘within the films diagetics’
    • ‘encourage to sympathise’
    • ‘This suggests to the spectator that’

Diegetic definition – Any sound or things that come from the world of the film for example the sound of doors slamming and isn’t added after like music.

Cathartic effect definition – Its an emotional experiences that the audiences goes through while watching a specific movie / scene e.g. feeling sad at the movie UP

reframing definition – when the camera angle is changed without using a cut in order to change the focus of the scene

connote definition – To signify or suggest something in addition to the original point

Throughout Joker, cinematography is used effectively to create a sense of chaos within the film’s diegetic world. This is particularly evident in the scene towards the end of the film where Arthur is shown in a  low- angle, close-up looking out of the police car window and reacting with glee at the riots taking place around him. Here, the camera is used to position  the spectator as not only connecting with Arthur, but now looking up to him. This suggests to the spectator that the tables have turned and Arthur, who was earlier depicted as pathetic and sad, is now depicted as powerful and heroic. This “reframing” of  the central character” has a potentially cathartic effect on the spectator who has, up until this point, been encouraged to sympathise with Arthur’s point of view as a victim of circumstance. The deliberate and stylised use of this slow-motion reaction shot, enables the spectator to get a sense of poetic justice being served: Arthur is now on his way to prison.

Exam Feedback

Phrases/ vocab that is impressive

  • ” this reframing of the central character, has a potentially cathartic effect”
  • ” the deliberate and stylised use of ”

Define Diegetic

  • existing or occurring within the world of a narrative rather than as something external to that world.

Cathartic Effect

  • the act or process of relieving a strong emotion.


  • a change in a persons mindset, whether it be a positive or a negative change.


  • it suggests what something might mean or convey

PEEL Structure

  • The structure of the paragraph shows a clear structure of point, evidence, explain and link to spectator.
  • point = blue
  • evidence = pink
  • explain = orange
  • link = green

Exam Feedback

Impressive Phrases:

This “reframing” of the central character” has a potentially cathartic effect on the spectator

Arthur, who was earlier depicted as pathetic and sad, is now depicted as powerful and heroic.

Diegetic: something occurring within the context of the story and able to be heard by the characters.

Cathartic Effect: the release of strong emotions through a particular activity or experience

Reframing: change in camera angle without a cut and can include changing the focus of the scene

Connote: to imply as a consequence or condition. Synonyms include imply, suggest, indicate, signify, etc etc

Paragraph Structure: Point / Example / Explain / Link

Throughout Joker, cinematography is used effectively to create a sense of chaos within the film’s diegetic world. This is particularly evident in the scene towards the end of the film where Arthur is shown in a  low- angle, close-up looking out of the police car window and reacting with glee at the riots taking place around him. Here, the camera is used to position  the spectator as not only connecting with Arthur, but now looking up to him. This suggests to the spectator that the tables have turned and Arthur, who was earlier depicted as pathetic and sad, is now depicted as powerful and heroic. This “reframing” of  the central character” has a potentially cathartic effect on the spectator who has, up until this point, been encouraged to sympathise with Arthur’s point of view as a victim of circumstance. The deliberate and stylised use of this slow-motion reaction shot, enables the spectator to get a sense of poetic justice being served: Arthur is now on his way to prison.

Exam Feedback

1.) Some phrases/vocab I think are impressive:

  • “Has a potentially cathartic effect on the spectator.”
  • “Been encouraged to sympathise with Arthur’s point of view as a victim of circumstance.”
  • “Stylised use.”
  • “This is particularly evident.”
  • “Enables the spectator.”

2.) Diegetic sound refers to any sound that comes from within the world of the film either on-screen or off-screen. For example, the sound of cars on a busy street or the sound of live music at a festival (drums, guitars etc). It always happens the same time that the action takes place.

3.) Cathartic effect is a process of releasing negative emotions like grief, anger or sadness. The effect of a catharsis can be caused from good writing of dialogue in the film or an emotionally-moving scene that produces high emotions.

4.) Reframing in this context is when the character changes in the view of the spectator maybe because of something they might’ve went through, or just because of a general drastic change.

5.) Identify the PEEL (Point, evidence, explain, link)

Throughout Joker, cinematography is used effectively to create a sense of chaos within the film’s diegetic world. This is particularly evident in the scene towards the end of the film where Arthur is shown in a  low- angle, close-up looking out of the police car window and reacting with glee at the riots taking place around him. Here, the camera is used to position  the spectator as not only connecting with Arthur, but now looking up to him. This suggests to the spectator that the tables have turned and Arthur, who was earlier depicted as pathetic and sad, is now depicted as powerful and heroic. This “reframing” of  the central character” has a potentially cathartic effect on the spectator who has, up until this point, been encouraged to sympathise with Arthur’s point of view as a victim of circumstance. The deliberate and stylised use of this slow-motion reaction shot, enables the spectator to get a sense of poetic justice being served: Arthur is now on his way to prison.


level 5 phrases:

This “reframing” of  the central character” has a potentially cathartic effect on the spectator.

“The deliberate and stylised use of”

Diegetic: anything that originates from the world of a film. e.g. sound, characters (dialogue).

Cathartic Effect: Refers to the emotional experience audiences feel after watching a movie. (releasing emotions)

Reframing: A change in camera angle without a cut and can include changing the focus of the scene. making the audience see the character in a different way (different mindset) can be negative or positive.

Synonyms for Connote: Imply, suggest, indicate, signify.


Throughout Joker, cinematography is used effectively to create a sense of chaos within the film’s diegetic world. This is particularly evident in the scene towards the end of the film where Arthur is shown in a  low- angle, close-up looking out of the police car window and reacting with glee at the riots taking place around him.. Here, the camera is used to position  the spectator as not only connecting with Arthur, but now looking up to him. This suggests to the spectator that the tables have turned and Arthur, who was earlier depicted as pathetic and sad, is now depicted as powerful and heroic This “reframing” of  the central character” has a potentially cathartic effect on the spectator who has, up until this point, been encouraged to sympathise with Arthur’s point of view as a victim of circumstance. The deliberate and stylised use of this slow-motion reaction shot, enables the spectator to get a sense of poetic justice being served: Arthur is now on his way to prison.

Exam Feedback


Diegetic, reframing, cathartic effect and connote.


Existing or occurring within the world of a narrative rather than as something external to that world.


Involving the release of strong emotions through a particular activity or experience.


A change in camera angle without a cut and can include changing the focus of the scene.


Imply or suggest

Throughout Joker, cinematography is used effectively to create a sense of chaos within the film’s diegetic world. This is particularly evident in the scene towards the end of the film where Arthur is shown in a  low- angle, close-up looking out of the police car window and reacting with glee at the riots taking place around him. Here, the camera is used to position  the spectator as not only connecting with Arthur, but now looking up to him. This suggests to the spectator that the tables have turned and Arthur, who was earlier depicted as pathetic and sad, is now depicted as powerful and heroic. This “reframing” of  the central character” has a potentially cathartic effect on the spectator who has, up until this point, been encouraged to sympathise with Arthur’s point of view as a victim of circumstance. The deliberate and stylised use of this slow-motion reaction shot, enables the spectator to get a sense of poetic justice being served: Arthur is now on his way to prison.

point ,evidence, explain, link