Joker- First Responce

Score: 7/10 

The movie was good, and it showed many mature scenes though those scenes were quite gory it replicated what was happening in the Jokers mind. I genuinely enjoyed the fact that there was a bit of a roller coaster of emotions and that it did not choose the same basic template that most movies made in America use. The only reason I gave it a seven is because there was a lot of blood. It is not truly about the film; it is more about personal preference. 

For a memorable scene, I picked the scene where he is on the bus and playing with that child. The scene is memorable because it shows that he was a good person, but it was the world around him that compressed him into this psychotic individual. Which he tries to explain to others but because of his illness and job, they all think differently.  

Y12 FS Monaco: The Spectrum of the Arts A.G

What does Monaco mean by the term “The Spectrum of the Arts”? 

James Monaco’s concept of the “spectrum of the arts” refers to the idea that art comes in many forms, varying sensory inputs and executions – whether that be history, music, poetry, comedy, tragedy, dance or astronomy (these were what the ancients considered to be art). In the Roman and Greek times, only three were recognised: Lyric, Dramatic and Epic, their muses were Euterpe, Melpomene, and Calliope. By the 16th century, art equated to skill, such as musicians, craftsmanship or medicinal skills; In the late 17th century the range narrowed down to what we now know to be ‘Fine Arts’, this included painting, sculpture, drawing, architecture. 

With the rise of modern science, astronomy and geometry were no longer regarded as an art form. 

The 19th century introduced the ‘avant-garde movement’, this means new and experimental, so things such as plays rose to popularity. Back then all arts were in ‘real-time’, meaning it was all performed live and produced live, elements like post-production and recording weren’t implemented until the 1910/20s. The adaption of novels and playwrights into performances (theatre and film) allowed a new perspective on stories, for example, using sound effects and facial expressions from the actors to imply background sounds and emotions – instead of just reading the description of them on paper. Film is an art form which incorporates sound and sight, making it stand out from poetry, music, comedy and dance. 

Joker First Response

Joker first response 

Phillips, 04/10/19 (release date) 

Critical score: 5/10 

Memorable scene: When the dwarf, Gary tries to escape Arthur’s apartment, but he can’t reach the lock, so he asks Arthur to unlock it for him which is a tense moment since he just saw his colleague get killed in front of him. This makes the scene oddly comedic in an awkward sense, Arthur was completely calm after committing an act of random violence. Then there’s the casual joking around, for example when Arthur pretends to lunge at Gary.  

Thoughts: Overall, it was okay, I don’t understand the hype about it but there were some good cinematic shots throughout, although the narrative switched up from serious and gritty to stereotypical action movie, which was off-putting and underwhelming. 

Joker(2019) First Response

Joker (2019)  
Dir. Todd Phillips 

7/10 – I really enjoyed the general style of the film and how it gave the viewers – especially DC fans – a deeper insight into how the Joker came to be. I normally don’t particularly like films like this, but I just thought it was well made in terms of the setting and how it looked, as well as the really good acting from Phoenix. 

The most memorable scene for me was when Fleck went to the children’s hospital before being fired and he dropped his gun when singing If You’re Happy and You Know it. It was particularly memorable for me because it almost felt like comic relief for the views amongst the sad themes of Fleck’s mental illnesses and violent tendencies. It was shocking and dark but at the same time, the reactions of the children and Fleck’s mannerisms when he shushes the children as if they were doing something as minimal as talking over him, made the scene humorous. 

Joker First Response

Joker (Phillips, 2019) Critical Score /10 Memorable Scene: 
I enjoyed the movie; it was highly engaging and interesting to slowly watch the moving progress. Slowly getting more extreme  7/10 I found the end scene memorable; he climbs onto the car and people are swarming him, almost seeing the joker as his leader. This stood out to be as he had been looked down on his whole life and now crowds of people are looking up to him.  

Joker First Response

Joker First Response

Joker – 2019, Todd Phillips

Rating – 7/10

I gave it the rating 7/ 10 because the story of the film was well perceived throughout the whole film. I think the actor for Joker, acted extremely well and was very memorable and took the storyline of the film to another level through his acting. The location and lighting of the film was amazing and help contrast the idea of the joker through sound and location.

The most memorable scene for me was when Arthur Fleck (joker) was in the train when the three guys start fighting with him. At first you felt quite bad and for Arthur and through his acting he made it seem like he was innocent and in the need of help. However, as that scenes progresses you realise that he is not that innocent has he shoots the three men. Through this scene you can see the role of Joker increase.


JOKER (2019, Dir. Todd Phillips) FIRST RESPONSE

Rating: 7/10

Cool cinematography, interesting story and really nice action sequences (also some really really cool kills), and I enjoyed how the plot developed. It also had some really good acting, especially from Joaquin Phoenix, who plays the lead Arthur Fleck. It obviously took a lot of inspiration from the movie Taxi Driver (1976) when it came to pacing and plot. however some parts of the script felt like it was trying too hard to be badass and edgy and I also feel like it demonised mental illness while also criticizing society demonising mental illness, so it wasn’t perfect.

Memorable Scene: The Murder Of Murray Franklin

The lead up to the murder was really tense. Arthur, who had up to this point been socially reserved, was acting super enigmatic upon entering the studio. As he revealed his crimes live on air the tension builds, with Phoenix playing Arthur’s new energetic persona making it even more tense, ending with a loud argument with Franklin, who had been idolised by Arthur throughout the movie. Arthur exposes Franklin for being a cruel, corrupt rich guy, and suddenly shoots him live on air. There is a bit of catharsis when Murray dies as the audiences view of Franklin deteriorates along with Arthur’s, starting from when he mocked the clip of him on air for reasons relating to Arthur’s mental illness. The contrast in this scene is good too, as the recording studio is brightly coloured unlike the grimy streets and apartments that the rest of the movie took place in. Arthur is also dressed colourfully in this scene, in a bright suit and clown makeup, which creates comedy as he tells a dark “joke” and admits to the murders of the upper-class men on the subway. The music too elevates the scene, the slow, beating score building up to the sudden gunshot.

Joker First Response

Joker- 2019 Todd Phillips


I gave the Joker an 8/10 as I very much enjoyed the storyline and build up towards the Jokers character. The pacing of the film felt slow at times with but me as an audience member was always hooked.

A memorable scene for me was when the Joker brutally stabbed his work mate in the eye and killed him In front of his other work mate after they came to comfort him. It showed the true change from Arthur Fleck to the Joker. It confirmed the transformation. Another memorable scene for me was when Arthur Fleck was following his neighbour through the city and the camera went from following Arthur to stationary and Arthur was fading into the distance.


Art Film: Mainstream Film: Historically Significant: 
Alphaville-1965 Genre; Pop A Bug’s Life-1998 Genre; Animation The Wizard of Oz- 1939 Genre; Musical 
Fitzcarraldo-1982 Genre; Music The Shape of Water-2017 Genre; Romance The Seven Samuri-1954 Genre; Action 
 Love Simon-2018 Genre; Romance The Breakfast Club-1985 Genre; Comedy-drama 
 The Magnificent Seven-1960 Genre; Western Battleship Potemkin-1925 Genre; War 


Mainstream films-  

The breakfast club 

Genre- drama 

Date- February 15, 1985 

Director- john Huges  

Plot “group of teenagers in detemntion and become frineds “ 

Love Simon  

Genre- lgbtq+  

Date- March 6, 2018  

Director- Greg Berlanti 

Plot-” Simon Spier keeps his sexual orientation a secret from his family. However, when a blackmailer threatens to reveal it, he goes on a roller-coaster journey to come to terms with his identity”. 

A bugs life  

Genre- kids, animation  

Date- 1989 

Director- john Laseter 

The shape of water 

Genre- romance fantasy  

Date- 2017   


Plot- “Elisa, a lonely janitor, stumbles upon an amphibious creature that is held captive in a secret research facility. She then develops a unique relationship with the creature.” 

Historically significant  

Battleship potkimin 

Genre – war  

Date- 1925 

Director- Sergei Eisenstein 

Plot- “When the sailors of battleship Potemkin are fed rancid meat, they decide to fight for better living conditions. In the process, their leader Vakulinchuk gets killed.” 

Seven Samurai  

Genre – action, adventure 

Date- 1954  

Director- Akira Kurosawa 

Plot- “A veteran samurai gathers six of his men to protect a village from the cruel bandits. As the samurais teach the natives how to defend themselves, the village is attacked by a group of 40 bandits” 

Wizard of oz  

Genre- fantasy  

Date 1939 

Director-victor Fleming 

Plot-” A young Kansas girl who dreams of a better life” somewhere over the rainbow” is caught in the eye of a tornado and lands in the fantasy world of Oz.” 

The magnificent seven  

Genre- western, war 

Date- 1960 

Director- john sturges  

 lands in the fantasy world of Oz. 

Plot- “Chris Adams, an experienced gunslinger, forms a team with six other men in order to save a Mexican village from a group of bandits led by Calvera. However, each of the seven men have their own plan.” 

Art film  


Genre- adventure/ action  

Date- 1982  

Director-werner herzog 

Plot- “An Irishman, who lives in Iquitos, dreams of opening an opera house in the city. In order to collect money to pursue his goal, he decides to get involved in rubber business.”