I have given Moonlight a 7/10 because sometimes I was lost in the film as I did not think it was clear to what had happened.
I did like the overall movie because it had a good story and the scenes I found beautiful. I also like the message the film was trying to get across to the audience of how hard it may be for a quiet gay kid living in a rough part of the city. It also shows the problems wit abuse and drugs in family’s. This links to the photo at the top of the screen as in the photo his mum had been shouting at her son and was on drugs. Later on in the movie you can see the effect on drugs for the mum.
Monaco represents his understanding of film in multiple ways. In his book he expresses that film holds a close relation to many other media aspects such as; novels, painting, photography, television and even music.
Monaco starts off this chapter by explaining the historical significance of poetry, and astronomy and other human creativities have had on the culture.
Monaco explains that if we were to arrange the arts on a spectrum based on their levels of abstraction then film would cover a broad range of other ideas because of its relation to other art forms mentioned above (photography, painting, music, etc). Film started off as a medium to record other arts but quickly turned into the anomaly that we know as “cinema” today.
Cinema holds the ability to visually tell you a story and take you on a journey of emotions and experiences. The music used in films influences every watcher’s experience and is timed perfectly to match the story to create a narrative within itself.
Cinema has the ability to commentate on society with the evolution of genres. Many people look towards film as a way of understanding the world around them. One notable example (personally) is taxi driver, in this film we see how loneliness and isolation can drive society to insane means of being noticed
David Monaco’s term “The Spectrum of the Arts” refers to a framework for understanding the different forms and expressions of artistic activity, ranging from traditional visual arts (such as painting and sculpture) to more contemporary, interdisciplinary, and digital forms (like multimedia installations, performance art, or interactive media). By using the term “spectrum,” Monaco likely emphasizes the wide range of creative expression and the continuous, interconnected nature of these various art forms, rather than seeing them as distinct, isolated categories.
In this sense, art is viewed as a broad continuum, where boundaries between disciplines are fluid, and artists are free to blend different mediums and methods. This perspective encourages an appreciation of art that values diversity, innovation, and the evolving nature of creative practice.
It’s a concept often linked to modern and postmodern views on art, which resist strict definitions and classifications, emphasizing that art can manifest in many different forms and settings.
This film had some amazing things in it, such as the amazing performances by all three actors to make it feel like the same character throughout the film. I also liked how the film portrayed what its like to grow up in a ‘rough’ neighbourhood, as well as its commentary on several different social issues and themes, such as drug dealing and discrimination towards homosexuals in African American neighbourhoods. Furthermore, the way they built relationships, and the verisimilitude of the film was very good. In addition, the director’s use of framing was very good and addedto the realism of the film. For example, the scene in the first act when he’s in the sea with Mahershala Ali’s character makes you feel like you’re in the sea with them and experiencing this intimate with them, which is very immersive. However, I did feel as if some parts of the first act were unnecessary and didn’t really add to the world building or message of the film, and there was a slight disconnect between the second and third act.
Memorable Scene
The most memorable scene/shot for me is when he is walking through the hallway of his school and is about to smash a chair over his bullies’ head. The long tracking shot that the director uses really conveys the anger that this young adult has after being beaten up by someone he thought was his lover.
I rated this movie a 7/10 because I like how the story came from the same person however from 3 different times in his life for example when he was a child , teenager and from when he was in adulthood. However , when it changed from teenager to adulthood I got a bit lost as there wasn’t much that showed the viewer that it changed from teenager time to adulthood.
My favourite scene was when Chiron found comfort in Juan and Teresa. Juan and Teresa felt more like they where his real parents than his actual one has they cared for Chiron more. It made me feel that Juan and Teresa had a parental and kind side to them.
I enjoyed the fact that the movie had many relatable scenes where they talked about drug abuse and confusion with their sexual orientation. Though I felt throughout the movie i kept on getting lost as there is a lot happening and there is much to take in. The jump from teenager to adult was quite insane as it was difficult to believe this boy who was standing up to bullies his whole life (kids at school, mother) became this man who did not care and had nothing. He showed that even though he was this different person now he still cares for his mother, even though she suffered from drug abuse his whole childhood he still loves her. There is so much sentiment in this movie where you can truly feel bad for every main character as they all had things happen to them.
This part of the movie was the most important for me as it shows his mother feeling resentment for how she treated him and how she messed up her own life with the use of drugs. I felt a lot of sentiment for the mother as she knows what she did but at the same time i felt for Chiron as he also went through and is still experiencing trauma when his mother was in too deep. As much as Chiron wanted to help, he could not because at the end of the day he was a boy alone in a house where he did not feel safe.
Overall rating 7/10 I gave it an overall of a seven because I felt like this movie is more relatable for a teenage audience and I felt like I had some things in common with the main character of chiro. This is very different in comparison to the joker where I had very little to no form of relation to him and his story. I also felt like the movie moonlight was paced well to let the audience have time to connect with each stage of chiro’s life, however the movie did start to get confusing when the main character chiro turns into an adult and is hardly recognizable.
Memorable scene I believed the most memorable scene was the scene when Kevin was punching Chiro and Chiro kept getting back up. I thought this was memorable because it showed how Chiro was reaching his breaking point and how he wasn’t going to stand down to the bullying like he did before. It also showed the pain he was feeling emotionally, physically.
MOONLIGHT (2016, Dir. Barry Jenkins) FIRST RESPONSE
Rating: 6/10
The film does a good job at conveying a heartfelt story, using a three act structure to separate the stages of life the main character Chiron is in. It gets some good use out of the camera, making beautiful shots (any scene at a beach comes to mind) and the occasional shake of the camera really grounds the film, making it look like it was recorded by an onlooker using a handheld camera. However, sometimes the unique camera movements became annoying and sometimes I couldn’t make out what the characters were saying. It also just isn’t the kind of movie I love, but it executes what it set out to do extremely well.
Memorable Scene: Kev’s Betrayal
The scene begins with one of the coolest shots of the film: it starts on the bully character, Terrel, walking into the schoolyard pushing people out of the way as he comes towards the camera. Then, without changing shots, the camera follows Terrel as he circles the camera, which is the point of view of Chiron. This shot stood out to me immediately because it really puts you in Chiron’s situation. You watch as Terrel walks, acting aggressive to other students, pushing them out of the way to create a circle. What really works with this shot is that Terrel remains in focus in the centre of the camera while the background is blurry and clearly moves. This creates a sense of tension and unease. This spinning shot continues for around ten seconds before Terrel, and thus the camera, stops at Kev. Terrel orders him to knock Chiron down, and Chiron stays silent and stares at Kev. Before this scene was the scene where Kev and Chiron shared an intimate moment on the beach. Both characters were vulnerable then, but here it’s different. Chiron is meant to be vulnerable: he is face to face with Terel and his gang, as well as Kev about to punch him. He is outmatched. And yet, Kev looks nervous and frightened while Chiron retains composure as he stares down the group. Chiron is knocked down by Kev, but then stands back up. Kev is ordered to knock him down again, and he does. But Chiron gets back up. This is important as it shows that Chiron, despite being bullied and seen as “weak” by his peers due to his physique and the fact that he is gay, is strong. As he said in the Knock Down scene from the “Little” segment, he isn’t soft. He has a strong will. Kev shouts at Chiron to stay down because he doesn’t want to hurt him, but Chiron gets back up. Chiron’s face is up close to the camera, and out of focus. This further creates a sense of unease, as the shots of Chiron are filled with his blurry, stoic face. Kev knocks him down again, and the bully group savagely attack him while Kev backs away. There is no natural sound at this scene’s end, no talking or chatter or anything. The only thing you can hear is a haunting score as Kev looks on while his best friend and love interest is beaten down and is alone.
Create a score (10), a general impression of how you felt/thought after the film and then a screen shot of a memorable moment with a JUSTIFICATION of why you chose this.
A BUG’S LIFE – I decided to put this movie into the ‘art film’ category since it is animated and as each frame is drawn/designed, I thought it would fit the art category best. It could also, however, place in the mainstream category since the film is still popular now.