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Y12 FS – S.S

What does Monaco mean by the term “The Spectrum of The Arts”?

Monaco idea of “The spectrum of the arts” simply suggests the wide range of art and artist out there, it also suggest the distinctive styles, ideas, and message throughout art. Monaco states there are many types of art for example creative art, or spoken art, or written art an even other art like history, poetry, comedy, tragedy, music and dance, and astronomy.Those are 7 activities that are seen as art. However, astronomy and geometry are no longer consider art in this century

To understand how the recording arts set up their place in the spectrum of art, Monaco implies it is necessary first to define some of the basic concepts of that spectrum. Furthermore, there is a wide range of factors that interrelate to give each of the classical and modern arts its own personality, resulting in some elaborate aesthetic equations. Two ordering systems, one nineteenth- century in origin, the other more contemporary, suggest themselves at once.

There are many differences between the unique forms of art. For example, drama performance vs film is two similar arts in terms of acting however they are also very unique and different. A drama performance is performed on a stage which consists of not as many people acting and not as many props being used in the performance while in a film there is a lot of actors whether it is in the background in a film or help produce and direct it. When performing a drama performance if you mess up you cannot just cut that scene and start it all over again, you must hide you mistake by acting confident.

Y12 FS Monaco: The Spectrum of the Arts A.G

What does Monaco mean by the term “The Spectrum of the Arts”? 

James Monaco’s concept of the “spectrum of the arts” refers to the idea that art comes in many forms, varying sensory inputs and executions – whether that be history, music, poetry, comedy, tragedy, dance or astronomy (these were what the ancients considered to be art). In the Roman and Greek times, only three were recognised: Lyric, Dramatic and Epic, their muses were Euterpe, Melpomene, and Calliope. By the 16th century, art equated to skill, such as musicians, craftsmanship or medicinal skills; In the late 17th century the range narrowed down to what we now know to be ‘Fine Arts’, this included painting, sculpture, drawing, architecture. 

With the rise of modern science, astronomy and geometry were no longer regarded as an art form. 

The 19th century introduced the ‘avant-garde movement’, this means new and experimental, so things such as plays rose to popularity. Back then all arts were in ‘real-time’, meaning it was all performed live and produced live, elements like post-production and recording weren’t implemented until the 1910/20s. The adaption of novels and playwrights into performances (theatre and film) allowed a new perspective on stories, for example, using sound effects and facial expressions from the actors to imply background sounds and emotions – instead of just reading the description of them on paper. Film is an art form which incorporates sound and sight, making it stand out from poetry, music, comedy and dance. 

Categorising Films

Art Film 

Alphaville – 1965, sci-fi/noir. This is an art film because its aesthetics are stronger than the actual plot of the film. 

Fitzcarraldo – 1982, adventure/drama. This is an art film because it is independently produced, as well as a weaker storyline in comparison to the visuals. 

Mainstream Film 

A Bug’s Life – 1998, family/adventure. This is a mainstream film because it’s made for everyone, mainly children, as the topics aren’t difficult to understand and its purpose is entertainment, not a statement. 

The Shape of Water – 2017, fantasy/romance. This is a mainstream film as it did well at the box office. 

The Breakfast Club – 1985, comedy/drama. This is a mainstream film because it’s widely known by all cultures, ages, genders. 

Love, Simon – 2018, drama. This is a mainstream film because the topics within it are widely accepted, and to some people it’s relatable. 

Historically Significant Film 

The Wizard of Oz – 1939, musical/fantasy. This is a historically significant film because it was made over 80 years ago, it has a deeper meaning, representing various flaws in people, and it’s Judy Garland. 

Battleship Potemkin – 1925, war/thriller. This is a historically significant film because it recounts the events which occurred during the Russian Revolution. 

Seven Samurai – 1954, action/adventure. This is a historically significant film because it influenced The Magnificent Seven, as well as many other films of the same genre. 

The Magnificent Seven – 1960, western/action. This is a historically significant film because it is one of the most accurate representations of professional gunfighters.