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Moonlight camera shots, angles and movement

Camera Shots

Side, Low Angle

This is shot from a slightly low angle, and from the side, you can see both of them. It almost creates a parallel possibly showing there similarly. 

Eye level  

The camera shows Chiron at eye level, this was used possibly to show his feelings and emotions clearly, while being over the shoulder of Kevin to almost see it from Kevin’s viewpoint. 


This shows the people Chiron is intimidated by at a higher level showing the possible fear that he has looking down at theme, the main one of the groups is also facing the direction of the camera showing the fear from Chiron.  

Shot Distance  


A character looking down the Lense of the camera, breaks the fourth wall. This creates a personal effect for the viewer. You’re looking at him in the eyes, showing the personal moment that is happening now. This also shows the dramatic moment that is about to happen and the intensity of the moment. 


Having the camera this dances away from the character shows a powerful effect having the character looking off into the distance. This creates a dramatic scene possibly showing the reflection of the character. 


Shooting far away from the character possibly signifies loneliness having a large space around the character creates the effect of isolation within the character  

Camera Movements

Track out – Track in 

The Camrea starts from viewing Chiron from a distance on the field, then slowly tracks into him. This could represent to the viewer the disconnect he feels from the over children playing. The camera’s focus is him, and he stands unlike the over kids. The movement shows the following of Chiron.  

Ped Up – Ped Down 

The camera moves from showing Juan tom slowly moving down to Chiron, this could show the relationship between the two characters and how it is starting on Jaun higher up could show how Chiron looks up to him.  

Pan Left – Pan Right  

The camera moves to show both sides of Chiron in this scene as well as moving the composition to show Juan and how Chiron reacts in the same moment. This also shows the connection between the two 

Moonlight- Cinematography

Activity 2-  Shot distances

The effect that this over the shoulder shot has on me is that it makes you feel as if you’re in the back seat of the car. It can also show the relationship between the person shown and the person off camera as you can closely see the emotions of the person in the frame. 

This close-up (CU) is detrimental to the movie as it adds emotion to the scene. It tightly frames the actors’ faces, making their face the main focus. This make the audience feel bad for the character as it is an intense shot from the movie.  

This Medium Long Shot (MLS) has an effective demonstration of the amount of emotion in the room. Not only is it extremely contrasting, but it also shows the sadness that is about to happen throughout the movie.


Activity 3- Camera angles

This low angle shot though its blurry it tells a story. The people in this shot look scary not only to the viewers but also the person who this is directed to.

low-angle" in Moonlight (2016) stills and screengrabs | SHOT.CAFE
Moonlight Cinematography Analysis | James Laxton – Flickside

This Eye level shot shows the intensity of the scene. The terrifying effect that this scene has on the viewer is almost feeling empathetic for the mother and more importantly the son who has to endure living in this situation.

Kinolab: Films: Moonlight

This High Angled shot has the effect of happiness as you see him having friends who he can trust. This is one of the only up lifting scenes in Moonlight.

This Crab Left to Crab Right shows a ‘father’ figure to ‘son’ talking about realism of the world and comforting the boy. This is a sentimental scene in the movie.

This Ped Up following the wife as she sits down shows that she is empathetic for the boy. They are in the middle of trying to find out whats going to happen to him, finding the best solution for him.

Moonlight cinematography


shot distances-  

Close up  

I have chosen this image of Chiron in a close up shot, this shot is powerful and a pivotal point in the film as it signifies the switch within charactar and adds suspense and shock for the next scene as the contrast of his facial expressions in this clip are sad and defeated, opposing the next scene when he is full of rage preparing to smash the chair over Terrel’s head. 

Medium long shot 

I have chosen this image for mls as in the scenes placement in the film is impactful and crucial to show how much Chiron has grown and changed from him being a young vulnerable little boy confused and lonely, to the ending of Chiron and Kevin happy creating a full circle moment for Chiron’s character.  

Big Close Up  

This scene is so impactful as it is so heartbreaking for Chiron, he an easy character to sympathize with and feel sorry for. Its difficult to see how upsetting Chiron mothers’ addiction really affects him. The venerability in this scene is visible from both actors which i believe makes it so powerful as you can see and even feel the upset, they are both going through.  


Shoulder level angle 

This shot being shoulder level with chiron and kevin highlights their mutual respect for one and other, it also follows them while they walk making you feel a part of the conversation. 

High angleThis is a high angle shot representing how small little really is, it also shows the conditions he was living in whilst also caring for himself creating sympathy for his character. 

Waist level angel 

This shot being at waist level for littles pov indicates how small he was compared to his mother literally and figuratively. 

Camera movement- 

In this scene the camera follows little swimming in the sea, the camera moves up and down as if you’re also swimming with them. 

In this scene the camera follows behind Chirone fastly paced this represents and shows the anger he feels after being beaten up by his classmates. 

 In this scene the camera calmly follows Chirone through an empty street. This represents how he felt lost and did not know what to do at this point in the movie. 

joker mise en scene

Joker-Mise En Scene  


I have chosen this scene from the Joker to talk about lighting. This is the scene where the joker is in a mental institution and there is a lot of light coming in from the back window. You can also notice the bloody footprints on the ground from where the Joker was walking. This is a good example as it is a strange contrast of light as he is going into the darkest time of his life and the joker acts like he has been enlightened and everything around him makes sense now. The effect on the viewer is that they have a sense of hope that the Joker will turn his life around as white reminds people of hope.  


This is the most iconic Joker costume as it is abnormal. This is the scene where the joker is waiting to go on Murrays talk show. Though he has ridiculous make up and costumes he is still sat frowning honestly thinking about what is about to happen. The costume is a good contrast with what his older outfits were as he was quite blandly dressed always in brown, black or white but when he’s in his clown costume even when he was working for that clown company, he is a completely different person in a good and a bad way and it acts like a mask of who he truly is. The effect  


Todd Phillips Shares A New BTS Look of Joker on the Murray ShowI chose this picture for props as it was so basic yet so over the top. It was basic because it was just the background of Murrays talk show, but it was over the top because it has so many colors which was strange as the colours in the joker were minimal because of the genre of the movie but this was bright and colourful.  


Joker: Joaquin Phoenix on the DC Movie ...I chose this for make up because this scene was so incredibly put together. As everyone knows set designers and people that do makeup plan everything in the moving but the tear streaming down the Joker’s face says a lot about him as he is trying to act as if he is okay that is why he is forcing himself to smile but you can tell that he is not okay. In the end, the differentiation on his face goes well together.  

Colour Grading- 

The hue of this picture is a blueish- green which shows the sadness of the scene as blue is correlated with emotion. The saturation of this scene is dark and ominous, and it is not intense at all. There is no brightness in the picture because it is not the cheeriest scene. This scene is where Arthur watches the television whilst his mothers on life support and he watches the Murray show and Murray starts talking bad about Arthurs standup comedy act. 

Low key/ High key lighting-  

For low key lighting i chose this scene of the joker as it works in two ways. The picture has low saturation and only a few bits of light. It also works to say that he himself was in low key lighting you can tell that he is depressed and deep in thought.  

 For high key lighting I picked this scene as it was abnormal. It was one of the only times we saw the joker with actual light around. The scene is quite eerie because the joker had this look on his face like he was terrified of himself. The background had warm lighting to fit the atmosphere that is being shown. There are few props in the shot. There are two different lightings. There is the florescent light thats being given from the mirror. 

Joker: Mise en Scene

Joker: Mise en Scene 

I selected this scene from the climax of the film where Joker is on the murray franklin show because it encapsulates the elements of mise en scene well. The set design is detailed as there is a full filming studio built for Joker; additionally, how busy the set is as there is a lot for audiences to look at reflecting the busy atmosphere of New York where the film is set. In contrast the costumes of the other people on screen besides joker are very simple causing Joker to stand out more as they are in muted, neutral colours while Jokers costume is very brightly coloured, reflecting how viewers focus should be on him in this moment. The foreground of the scene is quite quiet with there only being cameras and low lighting whereas at the back of the scene is the focus, as the characters are there the lighting is much higher and the main set design is. The key light is directed at Joker as he is the center of the scene and additionally guiding audience to focus on him. There is low lighting in the front of the scene showing how that area is less important at that moment. The composition is quite unbalanced, drawing attention to the middle where Joker is sat. Joker’s extensive makeup increases the verisimilitude of the scene as he looks more like a clown and a joker. The other characters’ makeup is very natural and almost unnoticeable compared to Joker giving the impression that they are not part of Joker’s community and are different to him. The scene is widescreen, which gives a fuller experience as more of the set is shown and audience members feel completely submerged into the film. 

Set Design is clear in this scene as it is not a real location, so it has been made for the film, the set is very detailed as it contains all the furniture, the fake tv studio and the fake camera equipment to make audiences think Joker is on a real tv show. The set design adds verisimilitude to the scene. The audience also see the set behind the original studio, which makes the scene more immersive as it feels like viewers are there inside the film. 

Space is important in this scene as Arther is in the background of the scene which is uncommon in Joker, and he is surrounded by upper class men as they take up the foreground which may be the director wanting to portray how the upper-class characters should be the audiences focus as they are Arther’s in this scene. 

 However, due to the composition of this scene the scene is very symmetrical bringing our focus to the center where Arther is stood which can reflect how viewers’ attention is forced onto Arther. The upper-class characters are also closer to each other compared to Arther, who is further away reflecting the society at the time of how separated upper- and lower-class people were. 

Makeup is important in this scene as the ‘blood’ on Arther’s face after he kills his coworker ads a sense of verisimilitude and makes the scene more graphic, and violent. Additionally, Arter has his Joker makeup underneath portraying how Joker is his violent persona as all of Arthers acts of violence connotate to his Joker makeup. Joker is also known for his makeup as it becomes a sign of rebellion as many wear clown masks as their form of Joker makeup. 

Costume is prominent in this scene of Joker as Jokers costume provides a strong contrast from the costume to the background, the background colours of the shot is very muted and shows the society of poverty, depression and littering. However, joker is dressed in very bright colours which commonly reflect positivity yet the character and plans that Joker has (to kill on live tv) juxtapose this. 

Lighting is clear in this shot as on the left side there is harsh, bright light from behind Joker whereas on the right side the lighting is much lower, making Joker look much more sinister, the change in light can also reflect Jokers light and dark side of his personality as later in the film Joker does become a much darker character.  

Hairstyles are important throughout the film as it shows a clear transition from Arther to Joker as he is known for his florescent green clown hair like the masks work at the end of the film. However, Arthers real hair, seen in this shot also shows his persona before Joker and emphasizes poverty as his hair is quite unkept and looks unwashed.  

Joker – Mise en Scene

Space-I’ve chosen this screenshot of the film due to the Mise en Scene, in this moment of the film, he’s just committed a murder and is on his way to the tv show he will be appearing on. I have chosen this scene due to the way it stands out in the movie, in comparison to a large majority of the movie its bright and centered I think this could have been a way to express the feeling of euphoria he feels within this moment. The setting is a interesting point, the joker in a previous stage of the movie had slowly walked up these stairs, in a darker off centered scene. The joker stands in the middle of this scene making him the focus point. 

Lighting-I’ve chosen this scene, as the lighting in the background shows the reflection of the moment of the joker and shows the viewer that he is traveling. This. Lightning techquine shows the reflection with the lights being blurred out into the background really puts the focus onto the joker.  

Costume Design-I like this costume design as its imperfect, having a character’s outfit by worn, and dirty can make the scene more believable for the viewer as it follows what the character would have been doing in the scene, we see the jokers suit ruffled and blood on his outfit. This creates a sense of reality to the viewer. 

Set Design-The set design shows the increate design of the theatre, i find this photo interesting as it shows the luxurious interior of the theatre, but throughout the movie such as the social workers office its overcrowded and simple. This photo shows the class divide but also serves a purpose to the audience of class divide. 

Hair and Makeup-The hair and makeup in this scene show the new joker. He previously had been wearing clown outfits, but this shows more of Aurther’s new idea of himself. This hair and makeup show the audience the new attitudes that the joker has. 

Composition-This shows composition, the angle of the camera faces the joker showing that the focus is on him. The books and papers in the background also show the depth and stress. Showing the viewer the large piles of books. This shows the joker clearly but also the space which the social worker is in at the same time. 

Aspect Ratio-The radio is facing landscape showing that he is travelling at a rapid pace. This also builds tension as he travels. It draws attention to the space around him aswell.  

moonlight response

Moonlight – fist response 


I have rated this film so highly because i love how it is genuinely realistic yet is still interesting, although i do not relate to the film and its issues i liked how they incorporated real modern-day issues that are prevalent today. The cinematography in it is beautiful to watch, especially the blue-like grain over the film making it distinctive and unique, and all the different shots are interesting. I loved the element of Chiron growing through the years with the transitioning shots and although the different actors playing Chiron might have differences from the outside but when it comes down to serious scenes you can see his character coming through the different actors and i think it also shows how people grow and change into things they admire/ look up to and for Chiron that was Juan. 

joker- Mise en scene

Joker-mise en scene 

I have chosen this still shot from the Joker (2019) by Todd Phillips as it conveys mise en scene well due to the placing of the character Arthur, the composition of this shot shows a balanced clip of Arthur in the dead centre of the screen and bus seat, this highlights the fact Arthur/ the joker is the centre of this story and makes his position as the main character well known and established. The colouring of the shot is dull, the bus seats are worn out and the windows are graffitied representing the conditions of Gotham city. With the colouring being dim it matches the gritty genre as it showcases difficult and unpleasant features, enforcing a realistic depiction of a urban city. Arthurs costume is lifeless and unexciting representing the sadness and grief of his character at this point of the movie, being the day after realising Bruce Wayne isn’t his father. It highlights how Arthur was a nobody at this point in the movie contesting the bright coloured suit and personality shown on him as the joker.     

Set design-  

I have chosen this image to represent set design as it shows well the city landscape, as this film was very mainstream and made by large company’s i assume this is a real place in a city rented out for a period. This shot is a clear representation of Arthurs character at his farthest from his alter ego, the joker and i believe this is also shown within the set being dull and monotone. 


I have chosen this image of the joker/ Arthur to represent costume in this film as I believe the clothes Arthur wears reflects on his moods thought the movie, as when he is wearing his grey and monotone everyday clothes his mood is low, however when he wears the bright colourful clothes he is more of the joker persona not only on the outside but also inside.  


I have chosen this shot to represent space in the film joker as, the depth of field is far however the joker is still focused, this is aslo a great representation of Arthurs character as he is surrounded by wealthy businessmen and woman and he is stood in the centre of the screen in a working outfit, not only does this shot establish Arthurs class compared to the rest of the characters it also establishes himself as the centre of the story. 


I used this photo to represent lighting in the joker as the Hollywood mirrors light highlight him as the focal point of the shot.  


I chose this image to represent composition in the film as the blurred silhouettes highlight Arthur and his importance. 


I have chosen this image for makeup as it clearly establishes Arthur as the joker from the very beginning as the look is so distinctive. 

Monaco article

What does Monoco mean by the term “The Spectrum of Arts”?  

There is no simple way of answering this question as there are hundreds of things to say about “the spectrum of arts” as it is so wide, and everyone has their own perception of the various forms of art such as:  

  • History – recorded the story of race and cultures over time, leading not only the modern social sciences but also a broad narrative  
  • Poetry – this form of art has been a widely loved and explored form of art ever since the roman days, recognized in those times as either: lyric, dramatic or epic  
  • Astronomy – this was known as the art of “searching the Heavens” and it represents the vast range of modern sciences at the same time as it suggests one other aspect of social sciences in its astrological features, values and functions of production and interpretation  
  • Dance – this form of art and many variations of it have been around for millions of years, it is a very expressive form of art, requiring skill, endurance and commitments however it was and is still used today by humans to celebrate and be able to express their emotions without the use of words  
  • Music – humans have been creating music ever since the beginning of time, maybe not with a variety of instruments or music editing apps but with either objects, their voices, instruments or even the nature around them as music has been a symbol of celebration and essentially what makes people happy as there is a very large spectrum surrounding music because everyone’s ‘music taste’ is different making it the amazing art form it has come to be allowing people to express how they feel through music  
  • Comedy and Tragedy – both these types of performing arts have mainly come around over the century for the entertainment of society (plays, musicals, movies etc.), these are both admirable components in performing arts as many people modernly use these as inspirations for their own future  

In conclusion, Monaco explains that Art is such a broad spectrum, meaning every person may have a different way of viewing art depending on the individual’s personality and what they view as “good” or “bad” art.