Category Archives: Trainspotting



‘Trainspotting’ 1st Response

Critical score: 8.6/10

This film is extremely well made and is a true testament to British film-making. The cast are simply superb and the choice of songs in the Tarantino-esque jukebox style soundtrack are all chosen very well. A lot of the sequences to myself and most likely the audience are very memorable, such as the scene where he goes to the ‘worst toilet in Scotland’ and the hallucinogenic scene that follows. Another scene that I liked that is of the same ilk is the scene in which Mark Renton overdoses on heroin and sinks into the carpet and as he is taken to the hospital, his perspective of him being sunk into the carpet is still on the camera lens, which I think is very unique and interesting.

However, the film does feature a lot of disturbing images, which would be off-putting for some viewers. I, however, think that the grotesque imagery throughout highlights the messages of the film, which I think are to show the damage that drugs can cause to people and the people around them and the state of people in lower classes who are left to rot with no one around them.

Memorable Scene

For me the most memorable scene throughout the film is when the character Tommy is found dead, due to cat-related aids. Though this scene may be viewed as a moment of dark comedy in the film, to me it really exemplifies the character of arc Tommy, which is a perfectly innocent, healthy person, who’s life has dramatically changed and ended due to drugs. This once again pushes home that anti-drug message of the film.

Trainspotting (1996) First Response

Trainspotting (1996)
Dir. Danny Boyle

9/10 – This was a very highly anticipated film for me as I know that it is a beloved cult film, and I enjoyed it a lot. I really like how it dealt with really difficult topics such as heavy drug use, sexuality and social matters. The acting was amazing which really kept me invested throughout the film, along with the use of narration.

The most memorable scene in Trainspotting for me was when Mark Renton overdosed on heroin because I think that it was really well done with the way they film it. I love the shot from Renton’s point as he sinks into the floor with the Mother Superior looking down at him. It gives a really claustrophobic feel and makes it seem as if he is in a coffin. As well as this, the music being Perfect Day by Lou Reed adds some irony to the scene. To add to this irony, there are some shots of an ambulance going past where he is along with the noises of the siren, which I think really shows the fact that the Mother Superior doesn’t care about him, only his money as it shows him putting Renton into a taxi, where he is then dumped outside A&E.

Cinematography in Trainspotting:

I like the use of an over the shoulder shot in this scene. It is eye level, which I think adds to the background narration and the fact that this is extra-diegetic (breaking the 4th wall). This makes the spectator feel more connected with the character, even though he is not in a relatable situation whatsoever.

Mise-En-Scene in Trainspotting:

The mise-en-scene in this scene feels intentionally uncomfortable and almost sterile but it also reflects the time it was set in. Spud’s surroundings feel like they are supposed to contrast his chaotic personality and how he is acting while he is on speed. While it is a comedic scene, the look of his messy hair and suit makes you feel almost bad for him because his lifestyle is making him struggle to get a job.

Editing in Trainspotting:

I chose this scene as an example of editing because I like how it shows the difference between their lifestyles. Tommy wants to get out and explore because he is healthy and clean, while the others are lagging behind, not wanting to go with Renton even drinking. I think that it marks a change in Tommy because it is only a scene later that he tries heroin, which is what contributes to his death.

Sound in Trainspotting:

I really like the use of sound in this scene because they have the song Perfect Day by Lou Reed playing in the background, which adds a lot of irony to it as Renton had just overdosed. It also makes it a lot sadder, as it shows how they treat drug addicts like scum, which emphasises the irony. The only other thing that is heard in the scene are ambulance sirens, which ultimately drive past Renton entirely. I think that this is really powerful in showing the situation that he is in; that the Mother Superior does not care about him, only his money and that his drug addict friends would betray him for money and drugs.

Trainspotting first response

Danny Boyle (1996)

Critical score 7/10

The film portrayed an accurate and in depth representation of drug addiction and the lower class Scotland at the time. I can see why the film would be considered to be a classic as it is very unique and portrays a powerful message. However, it was very graphic and vulgar even though it adds to the storyline it felt uncomfortable to see at times.

Stand out scene: When Renton comes off heroin and is experience intense hallucinations as a result of withdrawal, this scene stand out to me as even though Renton is experiencing a lot of mental pain the scene still gives off a sense of hope as his addiction is subsiding and he’s stopped taking the drugs making the audience feel hopeful for his future.