young people

In ‘This is England’, the youth is represented in different ways. The main character Shaun who is a child, is introduced as a lonely child who often seems to get picked on by other people. The ‘Skinheads’ is the gang Shaun makes friends with at the beginning of the film but they also represent the youth in Britan at the time as Woody and his friends ae in their teens or early twenties, implying that they could’ve also gone through similar experiences to Shaun such as getting picked on. This further explains why Woody was very keen to take Shaun under his wing. The main character representation of young people in this film is much nicer and kinder than the school kids we are shown at the beginning picking on Shaun because of his father.
older people

Older people are represented quite negatively throughout most of the film. Prior to the introduction of Combo and Banjo, older people did not make much of an appearance due to the fact that Combo and Banjo were the “first generation” of skinheads therefore they are presented as entitled and powerful although Combo just got out of prison meaning his past activities were rather negative and dangerous. Other older characters we get introduced to are most males such as the ones in the picture above, showing the nationalists wanting Britain to be for the British making them the antagonists in the film due to them taking advantage of the younger generation such as Shaun and modelling their minds to become prejudiced towards anyone not British. Not all older figured are represented this way however. For example Shaun’s mother who is presented as a sweet and caring woman wishing for her child to get treated right even though Shaun is at an age where he might not yet be able to appreciate her efforts fully. After Shaun changes his appearance, she doesn’t seem too be too angry and she even thanks the skinheads for making Shaun feel included and happy, further implying that she has his best interest at heart.
English people

The cast for this movie mostly contains English people therefore they create the main plot of the film based on pride and love for their country. Characters such as Woody and Lol do not seem to be as impacted by their British identity compared to characters such as Combo and Banjo, therefore representing Woody’s group as more comfortable with who they are in society. Combo on the other hand utilises his identity in order to persuade Shaun and the others to join his group by twisting the idea of patriotism and suggesting to people like Milky for example that his British identify is superior to his Jamaican identity. This represents the British people in the film to be patronising and forcing their beliefs and standards onto everyone else.
foreign people (people of colour)

Woody’s group consisted of mostly white people, Milky however was the only person of colour we get introduced to whilst also being part of the group. Not only does this show Woody’s kindness for not segregating Milky and for treating him like anyone else but it also shows that Milky has not done anything wrong and that he is a positively represented character. However with Combo back, the segregation and hatred towards Milky begins and further becomes more obvious with the way Combo almost kills Milky at the end of the film though Milky actually did Combo a favour when he asked him for some weed. Combo also uses Milky as a main topic when trying to break up Woody’s gang in the first place by bringing attention to the fact that no one in the group stood up for him when racist jokes and comments were being made, further supporting Combo’s argument that English people do not stick up for each other anymore. However Combo’s actions quickly get overseen by the way he treats Milky at the end. Besides from Milky who represented black people in ‘This is England’, the shopkeeper represented the Asian community and in my opinion he was a very important character. He is presented as a simple man trying to make a living but is then given trouble by Shaun at the beginning of the film as he was being irritating and at that time it seemed like he was the one in control. Further along in the film, we are presented with the shopkeeper again when Shaun comes in with Combo and his group trying to threaten the shopkeeper for being a different ethnicity to them. His shop gets robbed by them and racist slurs are being thrown at him, showing that now he is not the one in charge anymore but now he is rather helpless.

The men in the film make up the majority of the cast, implying that back in the late 90s men were seen a the dominant gender and the ones who are “in charge”. The representations of men in the film vary widely. We firstly get introduced to Shaun who represents the younger group of Englishmen, he idolises first Woody then Combo as they are older and he wants the masculinity they have. Woody is then introduced to us as a caring and outgoing person who wants to tach Shaun how to be confident but in the other hand, we then get introduced to Combo who only seems to project is nationalist ideas onto everyone especially Shaun as he is young and vulnerable. The rest of the male characters present their strength in one way or another however they also express extreme emotions at times, making it hard to see them in a positive light.

In ‘This is England’, the female characters aren’t initially presented as very important however they do become more apparent as the film goes on. The main female character Lol (Woody’s girlfriend) is given her own story and character development as she is just seen as one of the other girls in the group however she turns out to be a very caring character. We then find out that she was essentially raped by Combo while she was drunk before he went to prison, showing not only her hatred for him and what he stands for but also her strength and bravery especially when she accepts his request to talk to her alone in his car. Smell is a character who becomes Shaun’s girlfriend and serves no other real purpose in the story as we don’t get to learn much about her or her background. Shaun’s mother is a character who truly shows the contrast between the men and the women in the film. She is caring and supportive even though she was recently widowed and shows her strength by having to look after Shaun by herself which makes the audience respect and like her.