1.Why did film makers and producers move to Hollywood?
The mountains and low land prices made Hollywood a good place to establish film studios.
2.Name some of the big stars, directors and pictures from the Silent Era of Hollywood? (at least TWO of each)
Big Stars-
Charlie Chaplin and Mary Pickford.

D. W. Griffith and Charlie Chaplin.
The Kid and The Gold Rush (Both by Chaplin)
3.In what ways were the early Hollywood studio system like a factory or production line or even the Premier League (football)?
The reason for this was because if they do something wrong or the directors (of both football and actors) don’t like the actors or footballers they can be kicked out and they’re reputation would be ruined.
4.When and what was the first “talking picture”?
The first “talking picture” was The Jazz Singer, which premiered on October 6th, 1927.
5.Why did the end of the silent era cause problems for some performers working in the film industry?
The film movements of Classical Hollywood as well as French Impressionism, German Expressionism, and Soviet Montage began in this period. Silent filmmakers pioneered the art form to the extent that virtually every style and genre of film-making of the 20th and 21st centuries has its artistic roots in the silent era. The silent film actors also had a problem with the sound barrier and the dangerous stunts.
6.What was happening in America(and around the world) at this time?
The film movements of Classical Hollywood as well as French Impressionism, German Expressionism, and Soviet Montage began in this period. The Great Depression was an economic fall in America where many would lose money and their livelihood and the Wall Street Crash was a major stock market crash in the United States which began in late October 1929 with a sharp decline in prices on the New York Stock Exchange.
Classical Hollywood Style
What is meant by the invisible style of story telling?
The invisible style is when there is a smooth transition from scene to scene that the audience doesn’t see it. It is illusionistic as they don’t want the audience to know that it was taken in a backlot they want to think like with Casablanca they want to think it was film in Morocco
What is continuity?
Continuity is the notion that a sequence of shots all need to feel as unified and fluid as if they were a single shot. If a director chooses to cut from one shot to another, audiences should feel like nothing has changed in terms of time and space.
The Hays Code
The MPPDA had set up its rules of “Don’ts” and “Be Careful’s” in 1927, a set of guidelines that, among other things, said movies could not include “Pointed profanity,” “Miscegenation” (that’s relations between races), “Ridicule of the clergy,” and “Wilful offense to any nation, race or creed.”