Category Archives: Exam




Aesthetic – refers to the overall style and theme of the film including the texture, this refers to the beauty of the film and how aesthetically pleasing it is looks wise


Verisimilitude – the believability of the world of the film (diegesis), how real it looks compared to the normal world.

Social Realism – films which reflect a range of environments and social issues

Magic Realism – films with a realistic tone containing fantastical events bringing old stories, myths and tales to modern relevance

Hyperreality – films where everything feels overly real, an exaggerated reality to the point where it becomes hard to believe it is real

Visual Style

Iconography – the use of recurring images and symbols in films to convey specific themes or evoke specific emotions and build the film’s narrative

Intertextual Referencing – when a film overlaps with another work of art (another film, work of literature or another art form)

Visual/Sound Motifs – recurring visual or sound element used throughout the film to create meanings and representations

Colour Grading – a way of manipulating and editing raw film to maintain colour tones through the film

Auteur Trademarks – when a film “author” or director who is in full control of the making of the movie utilises the same way of filming including camera shots and angles, themes and lighting throughout most of their work


Pathos – different objects, subjects or specific elements which convey an emotional appeal, making the audience convey a sense of pity or empathy

Bathos – an anti-climax in a film, when the audience expects something to happen and something usually more underwhelming happen

Suspense – usually in correlation with anxiousness and anticipation, the spectator not knowing when and how it is going to happen

Comedy – a genre of film which mostly focus on humours moments therefore making the audience laugh

Dramatic Irony – the significance of a character’s words or actions is clear to only the spectator but not the character itself

Distancing Effect – usually used in live plays, when the character breaks the “forth wall”, it is used to distance the audience from emotional involvement

Postmodern Humour – another style of comedy including other comedy features such as parodies, irony and including both high and low art styles

Exam Feedback

Level 5 terminology/phrases

“occurring within the context of the story and able to be heard by the characters.”

“encouraged to sympathise”

“diegetic world”

Stylised: giving a distinct style or appearance.

Diegetic: occurring within the context of the storyline and able to be heard by the characters.

Cathartic effect: Spectators emotional response to an event in the film, strong realised emotions.

Reframing: change in mindset, appearance, how they’re perceived. Can be positive or negative.

Connote: implying or suggesting, sometimes linking to another thing, drives from the word connotation.

Depicted: how a character is portrayed and seen by spectators.

Paragraphs are written in the PEEL structure (Point, evidence, explain, link back to question.) Paragraphs start by expressing the overall point and then providing evidence that the point is true, following this the evidence is then explained and given context to how it relates with the overall point. Finally, the paragraph ends by referring back to the original essay question and how everything written links to it.

Exam Feedback

Phrases/ vocab that is impressive

  • ” this reframing of the central character, has a potentially cathartic effect”
  • ” the deliberate and stylised use of ”

Define Diegetic

  • existing or occurring within the world of a narrative rather than as something external to that world.

Cathartic Effect

  • the act or process of relieving a strong emotion.


  • a change in a persons mindset, whether it be a positive or a negative change.


  • it suggests what something might mean or convey

PEEL Structure

  • The structure of the paragraph shows a clear structure of point, evidence, explain and link to spectator.
  • point = blue
  • evidence = pink
  • explain = orange
  • link = green

Exam Feedback

Impressive Phrases:

This “reframing” of the central character” has a potentially cathartic effect on the spectator

Arthur, who was earlier depicted as pathetic and sad, is now depicted as powerful and heroic.

Diegetic: something occurring within the context of the story and able to be heard by the characters.

Cathartic Effect: the release of strong emotions through a particular activity or experience

Reframing: change in camera angle without a cut and can include changing the focus of the scene

Connote: to imply as a consequence or condition. Synonyms include imply, suggest, indicate, signify, etc etc

Paragraph Structure: Point / Example / Explain / Link

Throughout Joker, cinematography is used effectively to create a sense of chaos within the film’s diegetic world. This is particularly evident in the scene towards the end of the film where Arthur is shown in a  low- angle, close-up looking out of the police car window and reacting with glee at the riots taking place around him. Here, the camera is used to position  the spectator as not only connecting with Arthur, but now looking up to him. This suggests to the spectator that the tables have turned and Arthur, who was earlier depicted as pathetic and sad, is now depicted as powerful and heroic. This “reframing” of  the central character” has a potentially cathartic effect on the spectator who has, up until this point, been encouraged to sympathise with Arthur’s point of view as a victim of circumstance. The deliberate and stylised use of this slow-motion reaction shot, enables the spectator to get a sense of poetic justice being served: Arthur is now on his way to prison.


level 5 phrases:

This “reframing” of  the central character” has a potentially cathartic effect on the spectator.

“The deliberate and stylised use of”

Diegetic: anything that originates from the world of a film. e.g. sound, characters (dialogue).

Cathartic Effect: Refers to the emotional experience audiences feel after watching a movie. (releasing emotions)

Reframing: A change in camera angle without a cut and can include changing the focus of the scene. making the audience see the character in a different way (different mindset) can be negative or positive.

Synonyms for Connote: Imply, suggest, indicate, signify.


Throughout Joker, cinematography is used effectively to create a sense of chaos within the film’s diegetic world. This is particularly evident in the scene towards the end of the film where Arthur is shown in a  low- angle, close-up looking out of the police car window and reacting with glee at the riots taking place around him.. Here, the camera is used to position  the spectator as not only connecting with Arthur, but now looking up to him. This suggests to the spectator that the tables have turned and Arthur, who was earlier depicted as pathetic and sad, is now depicted as powerful and heroic This “reframing” of  the central character” has a potentially cathartic effect on the spectator who has, up until this point, been encouraged to sympathise with Arthur’s point of view as a victim of circumstance. The deliberate and stylised use of this slow-motion reaction shot, enables the spectator to get a sense of poetic justice being served: Arthur is now on his way to prison.

Exam Feedback


Diegetic, reframing, cathartic effect and connote.


Existing or occurring within the world of a narrative rather than as something external to that world.


Involving the release of strong emotions through a particular activity or experience.


A change in camera angle without a cut and can include changing the focus of the scene.


Imply or suggest

Throughout Joker, cinematography is used effectively to create a sense of chaos within the film’s diegetic world. This is particularly evident in the scene towards the end of the film where Arthur is shown in a  low- angle, close-up looking out of the police car window and reacting with glee at the riots taking place around him. Here, the camera is used to position  the spectator as not only connecting with Arthur, but now looking up to him. This suggests to the spectator that the tables have turned and Arthur, who was earlier depicted as pathetic and sad, is now depicted as powerful and heroic. This “reframing” of  the central character” has a potentially cathartic effect on the spectator who has, up until this point, been encouraged to sympathise with Arthur’s point of view as a victim of circumstance. The deliberate and stylised use of this slow-motion reaction shot, enables the spectator to get a sense of poetic justice being served: Arthur is now on his way to prison.

point ,evidence, explain, link

Exam Feedback

impressive vocabulary – “The deliberate and stylised use of this slow-motion reaction shot…”

Diegetic – a way of describing the overall world of the film and everything in it

Cathartic effect – the emotional experience the spectator goes through after watching a film caused by the impact it has left

Reframing – to change the way something is viewed by others

response example:

Throughout Joker, cinematography is used effectively to create sense of chaos within the film’s diegetic world. This is particularly evident in the scene towards the end of the film where Arthur is shown using a   low- angle, close-up looking out of the police car window and reacting with glee at the riots taking place around him. Here, the camera is used to position  the spectator as not only connecting with Arthur, but now looking up to him. This suggests to the spectator that the tables have turned and Arthur who was earlier depicted as pathetic and sad, is now depicted as powerful and heroic. This “reframing” of  the central character” has a potentially cathartic effect on the spectator who has, up until this point, been encouraged to sympathise with Arthur’s point of view as a victim of circumstance. The deliberate and stylised use of this slow-motion reaction shot, enables the spectator to get a sense of poetic justice being served.




link back to question

Exam Feedback

  • ‘Reframing of the central character’
  • ‘A sense of poetic justice being served’

Diegetic – existing or occurring within the world of a narrative rather than as something external to that world.

Cathartic effect – releasing strong emotions that were previously held back.

Reframing – changing a person’s mindset towards something, whether it be good or bad.

Connotes – suggest something other than the primary meaning.
– Suggest
– Imply
– Signify
– Indicate

The PEEL structure that is typically used for essay question is clearly defined in the level 5 analysis. They use effective terminology consistently and there is further analysis of multiple aspects of cinematography.

Essay Feedback

Impressive Phrases:

-“The deliberate and stylised use of…”

Diegetic: Something which is occurring within the context of a scene – the characters are aware of it.

Cathartic Effect: Involving the release of strong emotions through a particular activity or experience. In film, this is when the audience has a strong – sometimes personal – reaction towards the film.

Reframing: The general change of a persons mindset (spectator).

synonyms for ‘connote’: imply, suggest, indicate, signify, hint at.

Throughout Joker, cinematography is used effectively to create sense of chaos within the film’s diegetic world. This is particularly evident in the scene towards the end of the film where Arthur is shown using a   low- angle, close-up looking out of the police car window and reacting with glee at the riots taking place around him. Here, the camera is used to position  the spectator as not only connecting with Arthur, but now looking up to him. This suggests to the spectator that the tables have turned and Arthur who was earlier depicted as pathetic and sad, is now depicted as powerful and heroic. This “reframing” of  the central character” has a potentially cathartic effect on the spectator who has, up until this point, been encouraged to sympathise with Arthur’s point of view as a victim of circumstance. The deliberate and stylised use of this slow-motion reaction shot, enables the spectator to get a sense of poetic justice being served.

Point / Evidence / Explain / Link

Check list for Blog posts up to Christmas 2024

  • Summer Task – what makes a good film
  • Categorising Films – genres
  • Monaco article – ‘Spectrum of the Arts’ What does it mean to you?
  • Joker – 1st Response
  • Moonlight – 1st Response
  • Joker – Mise en scene
  • Moonlight – Cinematography
  • Sound – what is it in film and how does it work?
  • Trainspotting – 1st Response and micro elements
  • Representation – definition and examples from Trainspotting
  • This is England – 1st Response
  • This is England – micro elements
  • This is England – Representation
  • Story Board Practical Task. (Miller and the Chimney Sweep)
  • Trainspotting Micro Film Elements (Mise-en scene, Cinematography, Sound and Editing)
  • Train spotting Representation
  • This is England Micro Elements (Mise-en scene, Cinematography, Sound and Editing)
  • This is England Representation
  • Aesthetics