Slide 2 from the New Hollywood Powerpoint
Watch the embedded film and take notes.
Answer the 3 questions on Slide 2
Slide 2 from the New Hollywood Powerpoint
Watch the embedded film and take notes.
Answer the 3 questions on Slide 2
Start your research and response with your 1st impressions of the film.
You need to reference the date, director, and up load a still from your most memorable scene.
Make sure you categorise your post by ticking ‘Bonnie and Clyde’ AND ‘New Hollywood’.
Create your 1st response.
Use pictures
Section B: American Film since 2005 (two film study)
Time allocated – 50 mins
This will be done in class with access to your chosen film clips.
You will have the equivalent of ONE lesson to prepare a plan.
Consider the question:
Pre-mortem: A pre–mortem, or premortem, is a managerial strategy in which a project team imagines that a project or organization has failed, and then works backward.
Consider Slides 3 of the Week 7 Power point.
Define Cinematography. (5 mins) Explain to someone.
EXAM BOARD SAYS… (REFER TO POWER POINT WEEK 7 – ‘Tackling an exam question’.
Re- read Week 4 Powerpoint (Cinematography)
Go to the M-Drive and look for a sequence (a scene) which has enough in it to sustain about 3-4 points.
CONSIDER THIS from the Exam board:
-An analysis and EVALUATION of the importance of cinematography
-Remember that you can always argue against or debate the question
-A low level response would simply cite examples of the use of cinematography from both films.
Week 6 Power Point – Sound
Thursday: Sound Mixer vs Sound Designer notes complete
Shepherd Tone (3 min vid)
Activity 2: Diegetic vs Non Diegetic Sounds (17 min vid)
Find 1 example of both from ‘Joker’
Activity 3: Needle Drop (all complete)
Watch Sound effects slide You Tube:
Activity 4: Foley Artist video and answer
Create a score (10), a general impression of how you felt/thought after the film and then a screen shot of a memorable moment with a JUSTIFICATION of why you chose this.
First response: Favourite shot: Why?