Critical score: 8.8/10
I think this film is an amazing piece of filmmaking and social commentary on how society deals with those who are mentally ill. In my opinion, it has quite a few iconic shots, the stair scene, Arthur being hauled out of the wreckage by the growing mob, who view him in this almost deified way etc. Also, the performance by Joaquin Phoenix is one of my personal favourites, as he portrays the character’s mental deterioration, and struggles he faces in his life, in such a convicting way.
Memorable Scene:
I think the dancing on the stair scenes is the most iconic and memorable, as it shows how the character of Arthur finally feels free from society’s boundaries with his newfound joker personality. This can be inferred by comparing it to an earlier scene where he slowly dances in a rundown bathroom after killing three men. In that scene, his movements are controlled and delicate, as he is still a Fleck and he hasn’t killed his mother yet and is therefore still held by the boundaries of society. Compare that to his dancing on the stairs and there is a clear difference. His movements are brash and wild, as he is now free from the limitations and negative thoughts that society has set upon himself, and that he has found his true personality/persona.