Humphrey Bogart- Rick Blaine
before Casablanca he specialised in gangster movies. a leading man. He not had worked with Warner brothers as a leading man before, and never as a a romantic lead. He was ‘recognised as being a character actor’ and ‘being tough without a gun’. Which is a large difference from his previous roles. He had been mainly convicts and gangsters and other gritty roles, so this role was a large switch for him. He was on contract with Warner Brothers. Ronald Raegan was originally considered for this role.

Ingrid Bergman- Ilsa Lund
it wasn’t a decision from the start to have a foreign female lead. She was cast to be a more exotic pick other than being attractive. She had previous acting credits on screen and on stage. Casablanca was an early one of her American films. Americans typically like European accents.

Paul Henreid- Victor Lazlo
Austrian American actor, director, producer and writer. He was in films like ‘Night Train to Munich'(1940) and ‘Now, Voyager'(1942)

Claude Rains- Captain Louis Renult
British American actor. Worked for 65 years as an actor. He was in films like ‘The invisible Man'(1933) and ‘Phantom of the Opera'(1943). Won the ‘best actor in a play’ Tony award in 1951 for ‘Darkness at Noon’.

Sydney Greenstreet- Signor Ferrari
British American actor. He was in film like ‘The Maltese Falcon'(1941) and ‘Passage to Marseille'(1944). Started his acting career in a 1902 production of Sherlock Holmes.

Peter Lorre- Ugarte
Hungarian American actor. He was in films like ‘The Man Who Knew Too Much'(1934) and ‘M'(1934). He was originally an active actor in Europe before moving to America.

S.Z. Sakall- Carl
Hungarian American actor. He was in films like ‘Christmas in Connecticut'(1945) and ‘Lullaby of Broadway'(1951).

Dooley Wilson- Sam
American actor. He is in films like ‘My Favourite Blonde'(1942) and ‘Stormy Weather'(1943). Began performing at 7 years old, in churches.

Madeline Lebeau- Yvonne
French actress. She was in films like ‘Hold Back the Dawn'(1941) and ‘Gentleman Jim'(1942). She lived Paris until she fled in 1940 because of the German invasion.

Joy Page- Annina Brandel
American actress. She was in films like ‘Kismet'(1944) and the first season of ‘The Swamp Fox'(1959)

John Qualen- Berger
American actor. He was in films like ‘The Grapes of Wrath'(1940) and ‘His Girl Friday'(1940). He also appeared in plays such as ‘Street Scene’ and ‘Arrowsmith’

Michael Curtiz- director

Hungarian. works on 173 films for WB over 40 years. HE has knowledge on what it is like leaving Europe. His job is making sure everyone in on top of their game. His use of camera movement was impressive in the film. His use of dolly shots broke away from the norm, making the scenes look like a dance, having both the camera and the actors moving. Most of the extras he cast where refugees/immigrants in real life as well as on stage. this is so they have the actual experience of leaving their country and feeling before, so they are able to portray these same feelings on screen. Their passion comes through in the scene where the patrons all sing the French National Anthem. 34 different nationalities are represented in front and behind the camera. the film is a studio’ed film, so there is contracted stars in this.
The script for the play Casablanca is based on ‘Everybody Comes to Rick’s’ arrives at WB the day after Pearl Harbour (the Japanese bombed the American fleet in Hawaii. an unprovoked attack).
Warner brothers was known as the Gangster studio in its early days.
The producer is the one who oversees all of the behind the scenes aspects of production. Hal Wallace was the Producer on Casablanca. Mainly the producer will be the one to get the team of writers together and secure the rights for the script. They may also make changes to the script (i.e. making the female lead non-American), they will often do this to suit their message better (make her more sympathetic to American audiences so they feel sympathetic towards Europeans.)
Mise-en-Scene in Casablanca
The lighting in Casablanca is used to create mood. Without colour, it only has blacks, whites and greys to work with. The lighting plays a key role in this, As darker colours can be used to represent intimacy, such as when Rick and Ilsa are dancing. In this scene, they are lit from behind and a shadow is cast over their faces, only showing the prominent details of their faces. As well as this, the costuming plays another large role in Casablanca. The characters the audience is meant to be sympathetic with and root for are in pale colours, usually white, the colours associated with good. While the characters we are meant to be against are all in darker colours, usually black, this again references the common trope of the bad characters wearing black. the props that where used for Casablanca
Editing in Casablanca
The editing that was used in Casablanca was the popular style of editing at the time, Invisible editing. This style was used so the audience could stay invested in the Film. It makes sure that the continuity of the movie is straight forward, going from start to middle to end.

Sound in Casablanca
there is a repeated sound motif with the use of the song as time goes by, and the section that Ilsa hums. It is put into a lot of the score.
Aesthetics in Casablanca
The locations where all purpose built for Casablanca. They where made based off of a few photos that had been taken years earlier, since it was mid war, they couldn’t fly over as they pleased. So the film takes on an idealistic view of Casablanca.
Themes and issues:
isolationism – the choice to remain apart from interests of other countries political affairs.
what was Americas view on world war 2 – they where unsure on if they should get involved in a European war. This links to rick because he didn’t want to get into the war until it concerned him, then he began to help. at the start of ww2, 96% of Americans didn’t want to get involved with the phoney war in Europe.
Rick is an isolationist/cynical character, but by the end he has helped people and became a sentimentalist and much more patriotic.
Representation in Casablanca
women- women are portrayed to be weak and emotional in the movie. they are also used as plot devices to forward the male characters. While Ilsa is a central character, she is used as Rick’s love interest to make him look better. they are treated like things to be protected.

men- they are shown as very dominant, because of how they are all in the roles of power. Rick is the one running the place. they are shown as violent.

authority figures- they are all men. there are no women in positions of power in this, reinforcing the idea of the time that women cannot be in positions of power.

people of colour- the only POC that is predominantly featured in Casablanca is Sam. he is shown in as a positive character. He has always been playing music for Rick, following him from place to place.

Americans- they are shown in a savior type role. the movie is very patriotic and rick is shown as a hero by having him let Ilsa escape with her husband.

Europeans- Europeans are shown in a positive light, as they all rise to sing La Marseillaise. This is a representation of hope from the occupation of Germans.

Political and Social Contexts in Casablanca
Allies – Great Britain, USA, USSR
Axis – Germany, Italy, Japan
France- Originally an allied power but surrendered to Germany. Some soldiers and generals want to fight on, (free French – allies) Vichy France is a territory and it has its own government, basically just the Germans. Vichy France controls Casablanca (not the film)
Casablanca is in Morocco, it is part of French territory.
“it captures the zeitgeist”: Zeitgeist – the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history (shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time)
the war starts in 1939, America joins in 1941 because Japan bombed Pearl Harbour
Operation Torch – an allied invasion of French North Africa in the second world war (November 1942)
Casablanca has its world Premiere on November 26 1942 in New York. goes on General release in January 1943.
Casablanca Conference – a meeting between President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill in Casablanca. It most notably finalised the plans for a policy of an ‘Unconditional surrender’ (January 1943)
In the Cinema they would have movie reels, like in news. They learn about the war through these reels and through the radio and news papers.
Serendipity – luck or chance.
Please please please…use capital letters to start sentences, for any title or subtitle.
A little light on some areas (sound in particular) That slide asked you to consider at least 3 different areas of Sound.