The Birth of Hollywood

1.Why did film makers and producers move to Hollywood?

The mountains and the large untouched land made it ideal to establish studios

2.Name some of the big stars, directors and pictures from the Silent Era of Hollywood? (at least TWO of each)

director – Charlie Chaplin April 16, 1889

director – Lois weber June 13, 1879

actor – Clara bow

actor – Harold Lloyd

3.In what ways were the early Hollywood studio system like a factory or production line or even the Premier League (football)?

the early system made actors worth very little and could be loaned over to other film companies similar to how footballers could be sent over to play for other teams. Actors were told what they were and were not able to do making them very dependent with their managers.

4.When and what was the first “talking picture”?

The Jazz Singer, which premiered on October 6, 1927. A major hit, it was made with Vitaphone, which was at the time the leading brand of sound-on-disc technology.

5.Why did the end of the silent era cause problems for some performers working in the film industry?

When actors were able to use their voice, some actors didn’t match their characters persona which made the characters appear confusing.

6.What was happening in America(and around the world) at this time?

WW1 , GREAT DEPRESSION , wall street crash 1929. These all made holly wood more successful since they were realising up to 800 films a year, meanwhile we only release less than 400 in todays date

The Hollywood studio system

•1) What were the Big 5 studios & what type of movies was each studio famous for?

MGM – musicals, melodramas, literary adaptations (Wizard of Oz)

Fox – Musicals (The Grapes of Wrath)

RKO – musicals, comedies (Bringing up Baby)

warner bros – melodramas , gangster movies (The Public Enemy)

Paramout – comedies (Morroco)

•2) Explain what vertical integration and block-booking was?

block-booking – selling films to theaters in units

vertical integration – when a Media Company owns different businesses in the same chain of production and distribution. For example, a 20th Century Fox owns the studios in Hollywood, they also own the cinemas, the TV channels and the DVD rental shops

•3) Why and when did the original studio system collapse?

In May 4. 1948 , the USA rules that Paramount and 8 other companies violated anti-trust laws since they were exercising an unfair monopoly by dictating what movie go into their own theaters.

•4) What was happening in America(and around the world) at this time?

The great depression and wars

•5) What genres were popular and why did people go to the movies in this period?

Westerns, comedy , musicals and animated cartoons were popular. During the great depression people could only afford to watch movies for entertainment.

classical Hollywood style

  1. what is meant by the invisible style of story telling?

it is when in classical Hollywood they chose to hide the artistic choice from directors in order to present a more natural story to the audience.

2. what is continuity editing?

it is when they edit the scenes in a film together to make it feel seamless and that there isn’t a cut. In classical Hollywood they didn’t use jump cuts and made sure it wasn’t obvious to keep the natural feel.It emphasis dialogue reaction cause an effect.

2 thoughts on “The Birth of Hollywood”

  1. No Hays code research
    Use capitals for names and titles
    What does this mean “to hide the artistic choice from directors”
    The directors make most of the artistic choices!!
    I think you mean hide from the audiences (Re read your work pls)

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